Chapter 13 ~ PeRFeCt

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The drive back to my apartment was silent but a comfortable silence. I look out the window at the passing city before looking at Justin, trying to figure out what was going through his head.

"Is something wrong?" He looks over at me, "Huh? What do you mean?" I try to think of the right way to put my thoughts into words. "Ummm, ughhhh, so, uhhhh, neverminddddd."

"Nah, don't nevermind me bro, what's going on? Why'd you ask if something was wrong?" I turn around and shake my head trying to clear out all my thoughts. "Y/n, what's wrong? C'mon talk to me."

"It's nothing Justin, don't worry." I say, "I was just being annoying, don't worry about it."

"It you keep setting your feelings and thoughts aside this won't work, I need you to tell me what you're thinking so I can help you." He says, his voice serious but caring at the same time.

"I don't know, to be honest, you jus seemed to be thinking about something serious and I jus wanted to make sure, uhhh, I didn't do something to, you know, make you mad or something. I'm jus overthinking at this point. Forget it." I reply, a bit hesitant.

"Hey, it's okay to have doubts about moments, and no you did nothing to make me mad or sad. I was thinking about the upcoming meet & greet that NSB has. You don't have to overthink with me, if there's a problem, we can talk it out."

"Oh, okay, I just, yeah."  I find myself starting to get awkward so I turn around and stare out the window, trying to calm myself down a bit. "Is that your apartment building?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, it is." I start to grab my stuff as Justin pulls up into a parking space, "Well I guess I gotta go now, thank you for the ride Justin and for helping me out so much these past couple of days."

"Don't worry about it, it's my pleasure. Call me if you need anything. Byeee!" I laugh and walk to the elevator. Once I get to the apartment I unlock it and the second I open the door I get bombarded with questions. "CALM DOWN!" I yell trying to get him to calm down a little bit.

"Okay, so u and Justin?!" I stare at Nathan in disbelief, "No. Absolutely not. We are and will remain just friends."

"You sure about that? Cuz to be honest y'all would be cute and he does treat u right and YOU SAID HE MAKES U FEEL SAFE." I stare into his soul and say, "Fuck off." I turn around to get some water, "Oooh, someone's got a boy crush." And that was my last straw, I turn around, jump on Nathan and start rubbing my knuckles into his head.

"You wanna fuck with me? BRING IT ON BITCH!" And we started play fighting, like we always do, ramming into walls and falling on the couch.

"CAN WE GRAB SOME FOOD AND DO A MOVIE MARATHON?! PLEASE?!" I smile at his enthusiasm and nod, making my way to the door so we could go shopping. This day has gone by perfectly.

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt