Chapter 28 ~ WhY?

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Y/n's POV

He drags me upstairs and places me on his bed, telling me to stay put while he went to go get all my shit.

It's not like I could move anyways, he's jus being a bitch.

He comes back a couple of minutes later, carrying 2 bags full of  my stuff and my backpack.

"Justin, I lowkey could've stayed at my place, you didn't have to bring me here."

"Shut up."

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"I didn't mean it like that. I just...why?"


"Why did you let it get so bad? Why'd you let yourself go through that when you could have asked for help? Hm? Nathan and I are here for you?"

"I'm scared that if I overwhlem you guys with all of this you'll wanna leave." I duck my head down not wanting to look at him so vulnerable.

"Like everyone else," I softly add.

"You know for a fact I'd never leave, precious. You matter. A lot. No matter what anyone will ever say to you. And everytime you feel like you're forgetting that. Come to me. I'll always be here to remind you."

"I don't deserve you and that makes me want to have you even more."

"The same goes for me, precious. C'mere, can I hug you?"


I crawl over to  him and wrap my arms around his torso, loosely wrapping my legs around him.

His hands find their way to my lower back and we sit there for a good 10 minutes, just appreciating each other company before I yawn and Justin decides it's time for me to sleep.

"I want you to eat but  you should also get some rest in at the moment, how about you change and I'll go make you something small and then you can brush and sleep, hmm?"

I nod and grab my bag, opening it and taking some pajama bottoms out once he leaves.

Changing into them, I take a shirt of Justins which is laying on his game chair and put it on, smelling the shirt.

It smelled just like him and that comforted me.

I sit on his bed and grab my phone going on tiktok, looking up once I heard the door opening.

"Here, I made you some crackers."

The plate in his hands was full of saltine crackers with ham and cheese.

Don't count the calories. Count the calories. Don't. Do it. Don't you ducking dare count the calories. Count the fucking calories fatass.

"Justin. I cant. Too many calories."

"Have one,"

"Just one."

He nods and I grab one and stare at it for a good 2 minutes before taking a small bite.

"That was really good. Really good. I'm so proud of you, Y/n. Do you think you can have more?"

I look at it and then at Justin's pleading face.

I nod.

Which surprised me.

I bring the cracker to my mouth and take another bite and it tastes good.

Ignoring all the thoughts in my head I take another bite.

And then eat a whole 'nother cracker.

I eat until half the plate is empty.

But I don't regret it once I see the happiness on Justin's face. He looked proud. At me?

"Y/n I am so proud. I- Thank you."

I get up and hug him.

"Oh, Im so sorry, can I hug you? I never asked."


I try to stifle my yawn but he catches it and makes me get in bed as he changes.

He gets in beside me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close.

I snuggle into his body and let my heavy eyes take over.

Middle of the night

No! Leave me alone! LET GO! No please don't do this! Please I'm begging you let me go!

My eyes shoot open and I sit up.

Looking around to make sure that was just a nightmare.

I turn around in Justin's arms, surprised that all that didn't wake him up.

Snuggling my head into his chest once again I try to fall asleep.

I grab my phone and check the time, 3:48 am.

But I jus end up laying there for a good 25 minutes before I decide maybe I should go study.

Carefully taking his arms out from around me, I grab my backpack and textbooks before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

I take everything out, put my laptop on charge and spread all my papers and textbooks around the island.

Grabbing my headphones I put on music and get to work.

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now