Chapter 25 ~ SyRiNgE

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"Y/n? Are you okay?"

I weakly nod, for some reason I got tired all of a sudden.

And it's really cold.



"I think I might be sick, Im really tired and really cold."

"Okay, do you have a thermometer?"


"Can you get it to check your temperature?"

I nod before walking into the washroom and grabbing it.

Returning to my phone I turn it on and put it in my mouth.

Beep, beep, beep.

I take it out and check it,

"It's 41 degrees, fuck, I've got a fever."
(41 degrees in Celsius, idk Fahrenheit)

"If you want, I can come over and help you out?"

"Nah, it's okay I'll be fine. Once I eat the oatmeal, I'll take a warm shower and some fever meds."

"Okay, if that's what you want. But my offer's still standing."

I grab my finished oatmeal and sit at the table, the feeling of food in my mouth foreign to me.

I tried my best to not think about the amount of calories I was eating and it worked...for a while.

Once Justin and I ended the call I went to my room and grabbed my laptop before cuddling into my blanket.

I thought I'd work on some codes but the need to puke overtakes my senses.

Rushing out of bed, I run to the washroom, accidentally stumbling on the way and hitting the wall.


I barely make it to the toilet before I let out all my insides.

Using my shaking hands I try to lift my self off my the ground but I wasn't strong enough.

This typa shit never happens, Nathan's usually watching over me.

"Fuck," I groan, and crawl to where my phone fell when I hit the wall.

I open my phone app and hit the first person.

I knew it was Justin.


"Ju-Justin?" I barely manage to whisper out.

"Y/n? Hey, I'm here, what's up?"

I feel like a bitch, he sounds so worried.

"I, um, I need your help." I barely manage to whisper out before my eyes shut and my head hit the ground.

"Y/N?! Shit I'm on my way!"

Justin's POV

I run out of the meeting, whilst all the boys yell questions at me.

Going up to my room I grab my car keys and wallet, and then sprint my ass out the door to my car.

I'm lowkey praying I make it on time.

I make it to her apartment 10 minutes later and I'm pretty sure I ran a couple of red lights.

Fuck, I don't know her floor or room number.

I rack my brain trying to remember if she ever mentioned them to me.

"Fuck! How the hell do I get to her now? Should I knock door to door. Only if Nathan was here, Nathan."

I pull my phone out and go through my messages with Y/n trying to find his number.

She gave it to me in case I ever needed to contact him.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Nathan? Omg, it's me Justin. Y/ns...."

What are we ?

"Friend. She called me before passing out, I'm infront of your apartment building. I don't know what floor you guys live on. Omg, please tell me. I'm panicking bro. Does this happen often?"

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. It's happened a couple of times. We live on floor 15, apartment number 7. She probably didn't eat anything and overworked herself. Get her on her bed and then put a cold towel on her forehead, and also check her temperature cause she usually has a fever. She'll be okay Justin, she's strong."

"I know, I jus, I'm here Imma go in now."

We said bye and I opened the door, which was unlocked and saying I wasn't prepared for was an understatement.

There were clothes every where and a tremendously large pile of coffee mugs and Starbucks glasses.

I walk through everything trying locate Y/n, spotting her feet sticking out of a room at the end of the hallway. 

I run to the end of the hallway, only to find her unconscious laying on the floor of the washroom. 

I look around trying to figure out what she was doing before she passed out. 

The toilet had a vomit like substance in it. 

She isn't getting better. 

I crouch down to her and put my arms under her back and knees, picking her up.

Carrying her careful I put her on her bed, which was in her room right across the washroom. 

Going to the kitchen I grab a towel and wash it in cold water, and grab another doing the same but placing it in the freezer, before taking it to her room and placing it on her forehead.

Her foreheads burning, it literally feels like it's on fire. 

"Goddammit, Y/n. Why can't you take care of yourself instead of pulling shit like this.....I can't lose you." I whisper the last part.

I sit beside her and put the thermometer in her mouth, waiting till it beeps to pull it out. 

43 degrees. 

5 minutes later, I grab the towel off her forehead and return to the kitchen putting it in the freezer and grabbing the other.

Returning to her room I put it on her forehead, right when my phone rings, it's prolly one of the boys but surprisingly it was Nathan.



"There are nutritional shots in the cupboard above the fridge, give her one, it'll help her body recover enough to wake up. Just jab her right below her shoulder."

"Umm, can we facetime?"


He facetimes me and I pick up before heading to the kitchen to grab the shot.

"Okay, so am I supposed to do it here?" I ask pointing my phone camera towards her arm.

"Just a little bit lower."


He nods and I take the cap thing off the syringe before jabbing her in the arm.

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now