Chapter 30 ~ ThAnK yOu

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Y/n's POV

"I have so much shit to do I swear."

"What's all of this?" Justin asks looking down at my sketchs.

"I'm taking this program at NASA, and those are just some sketchs for it."

He sits beside me and I lean my body into his, the lack of sleep getting to me.

"You're tired?"

I shake my head and get back up, going back to work.

My heads pounding, it fucking feels like someone's hammering it.


"What the fuck happened to you?"

Regie walks up to us,

"Headache," I reply to him.

"You need some food."

I bet you can guess who that was,

Yep! You're right! Justin!

"I'm good,"

"You're still eating whatever Darrens making, lemme go check on him."

Darrens POV

What the fuck do I make?

I randomly start grabbing shit and put it on the counter.

What if I make something and she doesn't like it.

Imma make waffles, eggs, bacon, and toast.

Justin walks up to me.

"What're you making?"

"I have no fucking idea, cuh."

"Make something low in carbs for her please, nothing greasy or sugary too. She won't eat it is it's like that. She really needs to eat."  Justin pleads.

Fuck, fuck am I supposed to make now.

I nod and Justin walks back to Y/n's little messy area.

Back to Y/n's POV


I look up to see Sebastian at the top of the stairs.

"No shit sherlock, how're you so smart?" I reply.

"Nahh, this means SATURDAY NIGHTTTT!"

I raise an eyebrow at him, clearly not understanding.

"We have a party every Saturday, or at least try to."



"You don't seem hyped at all."

"I have a shit ton to do, so Imma lock myself into Justins room."

"Parttyy with usss."


"Pleasseeeeee?" He begs, pouting and trying to make puppy eyes.

"No, I don't even have any dresses or anything."

"I can ask one of my friends to bring you one,"

"Seb, no."

"You should come Y/n, it'd be a nice change."

"Justin, I don't have any makeup or anything either,"

"We can go to your apartment to pick some shit up."

"Ugh, whyyyyyy do youuuu want me thereeeeeeee?????" I whine.

"Causeeeeeee we wantttt you tooo have funnnnn." Kane mocks me.

"That is not how I sound!"

"Yes, it is. I nailed that, right Seb?"

"Hell yeah you did!"

"Oli! Hold my earrings!"

"Gimme 'em!"

"Justin! Hold me back!"

He wraps his arms around my waist just as I'm about to pounce onto Kane and pulls me back.

My back hits his chest and I try to get out of his hold but mf is strong.

I sit on the floor in defeat.

"You guys are bullies, assholes." I stick my tongue out at them.

"So you're coming tonight?"

"Do I have tooooooo?"



"Love you too, sunshine."

"Suck my dick Regie."

"Suck my tit."


I walk up to him and face him, showing him I'm ready to.

"Alright kids, let's keep it pg in here!"

Manager Ty yells as Darren brings out what I assume is my breakfast.

There's eggs on the plate with avocado toast and a smoothie.

Eggs have calories and the avocado would be calories, the toast is around calories and the smoothie, idk what's in it but it prolly has milk and shit.

That's a lot. So many calories, I can't eat that.

"Hey, small steps, remember?"

Justin walks up from beside me to grab the plate from Darren, who tells everyone to get some breakfast.

"Eat as much as you can and whatever's left, I'll finish."

I blow out the air I was holding in and nod before sitting down again.

I look over to see the boys to get to the food without stepping on my work.

"Lemme jus pick everything up and then I'll eat."

He nods and watches me as I pick up my sketches and carefully roll them up, putting them on the counter.

"Here, wanna start off with some eggs or toast?"

"Umm, I'll take the uhh eggs."

I grab my spoon and start eating.

Justin starts asking me questions about school.

I answer them and we keep talking, 20 minutes later I look down to see that I ate everything.

Weird and surprising.

I look at Justin to see him smiling at me proudly.

And then it finally clicks.

"Asshole, you started asking me questions to distract me. That's not fair."

My mind spirals over how much I ate.


That one thought running through my head.

"Hey, it's good you ate. Not eating would've been worse for you. I'm proud of you, so much."

My heart swells at his words and I realize that's all I needed to hear, for so long.

I nod and put the plate away, going back to studying.

But before I do, I smile big at Justin, "Thank you."

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