Chapter 37 ~ AlL mInE

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"Hmmm" I groaned, feeling a weight on my stomach. Turning my head over I open my eyes, trying to adjust to the morning light.

Looking down at Justins arm over my stomach, I trace his tattoos.

I look at his face, letting my eyes linger on all his features. God, he's just perfect, everything about him is simply perfect.

"You know, I can feel you staring at me," Justin chuckles.

Quickly shutting my eyes, I try to even out my breathing, make it look like I'm still sleeping.

"I know you're awake Y/N, c'mon look at me," I slowly open my eyes and his bore into mine. "I'm so tired, oh ma god, I feel like someone twisted every muscle in my body, hot glued them together, tore them apart and then drove over them. "

Justin laughs and sits up, "No way that's how you actually feel, get up and let's stretch, that might help."

"Ew no,"

"Nope, get up."

Giving up, I slowly lift the covers and drag myself out of bed. Following Justins instructions on how to bend my arms and legs. Honestly after stretching for a couple of minutes I felt so much better, but don't tell him that. 

"You keep doing your weird stretching shit, Imma go brush my teeth cuz this mouth musty."

Walking into the washroom I grab my brush spreading toothpaste on it. Once I finished I put some socks on and walked out, Justin telling me he'd come downstairs after he finishes freshing up. 

I enter the kitchen and realize I never washed the knife after that, rushing to grab it and properly wash it before anyone noticed. 

My stomach grumbles and I head to the fridge, only to be disappointed.

"Justin?" I yell, wanting him to come down already.


I watch him run down the stairs, "Can we go grocery shopping? I know I barely eat but even when I want to, you guys have nothing I like."

"Yes, we can go for sure. Tell me when you want?"

He looked really happy and that made me smile, he's such a sweetheart. 

"Um, lemme go change and then can we go?"

"Yea, I needa change too."

I quickly jog upstairs, Justin right behind me and start rumaging through his closet, trying to find some of my clothes. 

I grab a pair of my biker shorts and one of Justin's shirt before entering the washroom to change. Taking my shirt off I stare at my arm, feeling ashamed of myself. 

Your so ugly and full of so many scars, I can't believe Justin even wants you. Maybe he's just keeping your fucked up ass around for a quick fuck and once it's done he'll get rid of you. Just what you deserve.

Tears well in my eyes as Justin knocks on the door, wanting to know if everythings okay. 

"Yea, I-I'm fine," I curse at myself for my voice cracking.

"Hey, I'm coming in okay."

The doorknob turns and Justin slowly walks in, keeping his stare on mine, before slowly looking down at my arm. 

"Precious, shit happens and it happened last night, you can't let that keep you back. Why are you crying? Talk to me."

"Are you keeping me around just so you can get a fuck out of me?"

"Y/n, what? No, never. I'm keeping you aorund cause I actually really like you and want you to be a major part in my life. Baby, what has you thinking like that? I would never do that to you, it's you and me till the end of time, as long as that what you want."

The tears start falling faster and I hate myself.

"I'm sorry I'm the way I am. I swear I'm trying to be better, I hate myself so much."

"Baby, no, listen to me, you need help and you're finally getting that help. You're getting so much better, you should be so fucking proud of yourself. I know I am."

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. I sob into his chest and I've never felt more greatful to know someone. 

"C'mon lets get you changed so we can get us some food."

He puts his shirt over my head and pulls it down, I stare at myself in the mirror, hating how it fits on me. 

"You look really good in my clothes, like damn."

I smile up at Justin before side-eying my reflection in the mirror. 

I'm so ugly. I'm so ugly. I'm so ugly. 

"No you're not."


"You're not ugly, I don't know why you're repeating it. You're fucking beautiful. Now Imma go change my shirt and you change your pants." 

He kissed my forehead and I quickly slipped my shorts on before putting some mascara on and leaving. 

"Someone looks pretty,"

"Shut up, I look some what decent."

"No I mean, look at that ass, holy shit, I'm so happy you're all mine."

"Okay Justin. Now c'mon lets go, I want Starbucks."


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