Chapter 8 ~ sLeEp

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After I finished Justin just stared down at me for a good 5 minutes, and honestly I was scare as to what he would think about me now. "Y/n," His voice surprisingly breathless, I thought, he'd be angry or something, not breathless.

"First of all and I know this prolly won't do anything but I'm so sorry you went through that cause you deserve better. Also I need Louis' address, and thirdly, I'll help you heal. I know you don't know me that well, but if I can get you to trust me, I will try my hardest to. I'm by your side now, and if you ever think I'm stepping over the line, please let me know, hopefully I can become the support system you need. I'm so happy that my touch can calm you down and makes you feel safe, because you deserve to feel safe  and secure. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. When your eyes light up they could make anyone smile and don't get me started on your smile, it's as bright as the stars. Your laugh is sweet as honey. And you're allowed to feel insecure and unstable, but don't let it drown you. I'm here for you and so are the other NSB Boys. I'll give you their numbers and the second you feel unsafe or like you'll meet up with trouble, call one of us, okay?"

I stare into his eyes and nod my head, anyways I was tired so I stood up and asked him where I was sleeping, "Uhhhh, cause we don't have enough rooms, you'll have to sleep in my room." He probably saw the discomfort on my face and quickly added, "I can sleep on the floor or with one of the other boys if you want."

I chuckle, "Nah it's fine, jus not used to y'know, contact but it's you so it's fine, lmao. Also I have insomnia so if I'm moving around a lot at night it's cause of my insomnia or my nightmares." He stares at me and then shakes his head and chuckles a bit.

Anyways, I was tired so I took my shoes off and laid in bed, HOLY SHIT, when I tell you this bed is so comfortable, I felt like I was laying in Hell, Hell's my comfort place, hehehe.

I rolled over and realized how uncomfortable the outfit I'm wearing is, my crop riding up on my boobs, so I had to pull it down repeatedly and my jeans kept turning around on my legs, (y'know when they turn around in the opposite direction and are uncomfortable asf.)

Justin probably sensed that I was uncomfy so he offered to give me a shirt of his and some unused boxers since none of his other pants would fit me, I laughed and agreed.

He threw me a shirt hanging on the back of his chair and opened a new pack of boxers he had lying on the floor of his closet, handing me one. "Thank you, but um, where can I change?"

"Oh, my washroom(I'm Canadian) is through that door." I left to change and came back out a couple of minutes later, ready to sleep. "Goodnight Justin," I whisper snuggling into his comfortable comforter, "Goodnight and sweet dreams Y/n" he replies, "Sweet dreams." I say half asleep already.

I'M SORRY IT'S A SHORT ONE TODAY. They fell asleep😭😴🥱
Not me jus writing shit I want someone to tell me :|
eh, what do y'all think of the story, bud?
wtfff it's the first time I've written an authors note, i think. Is this a shitty note? i have no idea. lemme know in the comments cuh

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