Chapter 17 ~ BrOoM

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TW: Self harm scars
A/N: At one point in this chapter you may see some weird accents on letters and the "_" things will be looking like « _ ». That's because I switched to my french keyboard and i didn't realize. I'm really sorry but my ass is too lazy to fix that.

"Y/n, don't tell me it's nothing. That's something. There's so many too." His voice is coated in disbelief and pain. I tucked my head into my chest and look away, not wanting him to see the tears building up in my eyes.

"Justin, don't worry about it, I promise it's okay." I sigh out, he slowly grabs my arms and faces my wrists towards him. His finger lightly rubs over my scars and current cuts.

l let out a sharp breath, and hide my arm, "Coping mechanisms, that's all." I say and turn away, making my way inside to reapply my foundation. Little did I know, Justin followed me.

I shake my head and start to cry on my way to Justin's washroom, guilt tearing away at me. I can't believe he saw my scars dépité the effort I made with the foundation to hide them.

I open his washroom doré and look around for my make up bag that i brought along. Once I find it, I take the foundation out and start to put it in my arms.

Something takes over me and I start rubbing at it agressives, sobs collecting in my throat, until someone holds onto both my trembling hands.

Looking up, I see Justîn looking down at me. « Hey you're okay, look at me, you're okay. » He says before pulling me into a hug, I sob into his chest. « I'm so sorry Justin, Im so sorry. »

« You have nothing to be sorry about. It's how you learned to cope and that's okay Y/n. But self harm is serious, and I get that you wanted to keep it hidden. I'm here now though, I'm here to help you. » He says as he helps me dit down on the toilet.

Gently grabbing a wrist of mine, Justin takes out a make up wipe and starts to lightly rub it on my skin. I since in pain from the sting, « I know it hurts, but it'll get infected, we can't have that happening, Im sorry about the pain. »

And that's when I couldn't take it anymore, my ass started to full on cry, right here, right now for no goddamn apparent reason. « I'm so sorryyyy. » I cry out.

Justin just engulfs me into a warm hug and stays in that position for a solid 5 minutes before moving away. He wipes the tears off my face and kisses my forehead before getting back to work on my arms.

Once all the foundation was off my wrists and arms, he took a disinfecting wipe and stared to clean my cuts, starting with the most recent ones, which stung like a bitch. Then he proceeded to put some cream in them.

Hé finished and threw everything away. "How about you wear a full sleeve shirt of mine to hide your cuts instead of foundation?" I nod my head.

"That sounds perfect, thank you Justin." He chuckles while walking into his room, "It's my pleasure, Y/n." Walking back into the washroom, he helps me on a long sleeve navy blue shirt of his and I loved how it fit on me.

"Dayum, Y/n, you look good in my clothes." I laugh and tell him he's seen me in them before. We put everything away and head downstairs before I grab his arm and hold him back.

"Ple-"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."" I smile and thank him before continuing my outside by his side. "WHAT WERE YOU GUYS DOING INSIDE?" Seb yells from the pool, way louder then he needed to be.

"Y/n was cold so I was finding a shirt to give her to wear on top." He nods in understanding and gets back to chilling on his floaty.

I walk over to a beach chair and lay down, letting the sun put me to sleep. The next thing I know is that Im being thrown into the water by these maniacs.

"AHHHHHHH STOPPPPPPOP!" I scream my lungs off. "Oopsie dasie!" Kane says and the others laugh in accomplishment. "Oh you guys are dead." I mutter out of clenched teeth.

Grabbing onto the side of the pool i get out and grab a broom, finding my first victim. Darren was closest to me so I attacked.

I had to chase many of the boys and many even begged for mercy, but let's jus say that in the end I won and the boys won't be sitting down for a bit.

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن