Chapter 22 ~ BiLe

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TW: ED, Vomiting, Mentions of Abuse

Y/n's POV

I felt nauseas. Oh shit, "I need to go to the washroom."

I sped to the washroom, jus in time to puke out my guts. Well that was nice.

Washing my mouth out in the sink I get back to the table.  "Hey, you good?"


Sitting back down I lean my head back against wall, "Now that you've eaten how about you take the painkillers for your headache?"

"That sounds good, thank you." I mumble, grabbing the painkillers from him and downing them with some water.

I lay my head onto his shoulder, trying to feel comfortable.

I was overthinking but I ended up falling asleep, only to be shaken awake by Justin once everyone had eaten.

We walked to the car my fingers holding his sleeve.

We got settled into the car and the boys were talking about something, I was too busy overthinking to know.

I thought I was getting better, I ate a whole plate, I was getting better. What's wrong with me? Why can't I be normal? I try so hard, why am I so fucked up?

Little did I know I had hot silent tears streaming down my face, soaking into Justin's shirt.

Justin's POV

I felt something on my shirt so I decided to look down only to be met with Y/n crying. It was silent cries so I'm guessing she doesn't want others to hear.

I grab her legs and put them around me, making her cradle me.

She wraps her arms around me and snuggles her head into my chest, leading me to wrap my arms around her tightly.

I didn't know what was going on or what she was feeling, so I made my sole purpose at the moment to comfort her and make her feel safe.

A little while later we got home and I picked her up to carry her inside, she didn't argue so I carried her inside, placing on my bed.

"Don't leave. Please," she begs, making my chest tighten.

"Ohh, precious, Im not going anywhere, I was jus going to change. Is that okay?" She gives me a weak nod of her head and lays back down.

I quickly change into sweats and a t-shirt before walking back out towards her.

Y/ns POV

"Don't leave. Please," I beg, not wanting him to leave me too.

"Ohh, precious, Im not going anywhere, I was jus going to change. Is that okay?" No. I mean that's what I want to say, but instead I nod my head before laying back down.

He leaves and comes back a couple of minutes later in sweats.

"Can we take the foundation off of your legs?"

"Um, sure."

He then proceeds to get my makeup wipes out of my bag and wipes my thighs, gently grabbing them.

He probably notices how thick they are. Maybe he'll finally notice how fat and ugly you are. Why would you eat all that food. Don't you understand it's jus making you more ugly and fat. You need to be skinny to be pretty. Watch him not wanna be in your life anymore cuz of how much your body disgusts him.

I feel bile rise up in my throat and I push Justin to the side, and run into his washroom, throwing up into his toilet.

I didn't think I had anything left in me after my episode at the restaurant but I guess I was wrong.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Justin asks, walking into the washroom.

He notices the toilet before I get the chance to flush it all down.

"Here let's get you cleaned up." He helps me up gently before holding my hair out of my face so I can wash it.

He then turns me around and lifts his arms, and I flinch back wards thinking he was gonna hit me.

"Heyy, Im not gonna hurt you, I'm just going to put your hair up in a bun okay? I'm sorry, I should've told you and asked you beforehand. But can I?"

I nod my head then remember that he always asks for my words, "Yes," I whisper out.

"Would you like to change into some pyjamas of mine? Wearing boxers might make you cold."

"Yes, please,"

He walks over to his closet and rummaged around before pulling out a pair for pyjamas for me to wear.

He hands them to me and walks out the washroom, closing the door behind him.

I finish changing only to find him sitting in his bed, with a serious look on his face.


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