Chapter 35 ~ It felt too good.

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Once Justin got back, I grabbed my backpack.

I open a couple of the notes I had online and received them trying to figure out what I still needed to work on.

I had a lot to do.

Getting into a comfortable position I go onto quizlet and try to figure out how not to fail.

"What do you have to do?"

"A lot but tonight's priority is getting all the shit done for NASA."

"It's due soon and I can't risk not getting it handed in."

"I'll let you work then. Imma go hang out with the boys, we'll be upstairs if you need us okay?"

I nod my head focusing back on my work.

"Oh, yea, Y/n?"

Hearing my name I turn around only to be met with a worried look on Justins face.

"Make sure you take breaks between your work. Don't overwork yourself again."

"I will Justin, don't worry."

Let's not talk about how I jus lied straight to his face.

My ass has been sitting in the chair for the past 3 hours and I don't think I've once taken my eyes off my work.

My phone rang a couple of times and I got some texts but that's about it.

My ears hurt from how loud my music was, causing me to have to turn it down which I didn't like at all.

I sat up straighter, the pain in my back showing up again.

As I'm stretching my wrists, trying to get rid of the chronic pain from typing and writing so much, Darren yells from right behind me.

That startles the living fuck out of me and I fall over, hitting my ass on the floor. Really. Hard.


"LOSER! How tf that shit finna scare you cuh? You little pussy."

"You did not jus say that. Come here, lemme teach you a lesson."

I grab the nearest thing I could reach, which turned out to be my metal water bottle.

"You really thought you ate that, didn't you? WHY'RE YOU RUNNING AWAY NOW?"

I chase his ass around the living room, going slower than I'd like to due to my fatigue.


He trips on the couch and that helps me make up the space between us.

I push him to the floor and throw my water bottle onto the couch, before holding my hands out, letting him know I was about to tickle him.


I stop when sudden exhaustion takes over my body.

But that shit doesn't stop me from laughing at his laugh bruh.

"Why does your laugh sound like that? Oh my god, my stomach hurts from how much I've laughed."

"You're mean. Like really mean."

"You deserved it."

Justin walks up to us and I hold my hand out, making grabby hands to get his help to stand up.

He grabs my hands and pulls me up, "C'mere," he turns me so that I'm right in front of him.

"You took breaks while working right?

"Yep. I did. For sure."

I suck at lying.

"Y/n, wtf bru, you're gonna overwork yourself again. "

"I jus can't afford breaks Justin, I can't not finish those, you know. Breaks are just a waste of time in this case, you know."

"You're really stubborn aren't you?"

"You just noticed?"

He laughs and shakes his head.

"The boys n I are jus gonna head out to get some McDonalds, do you want something?"

"No, I'm okay, Imma get back to work anyways."

"Alright, I'll see you once I'm back, precious."

"Byeee, have fun!"

I grab my airpods and get back to work trying not to think about the huge amount of studying I've got left.

I look down at the sketch Im working on and sigh.

Wtf am I doing with my life?

Shaking my head I grab my pencil and get back to work.

I honestly don't know how long I've been working for but Justin guys still aren't back.

I look at the time and realize it's 3 am.

Where tf are they?

Maybe I should call them. Wait no it's their personal life they can do whatever they want to, it's none of my business.

Repeating that in my head I get up and stretch before walking over to the kitchen to make some coffee.

As I head back

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now