Chapter 36~ wAiTiNg

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I hear the front door open.

I snap out of my haze realizing what the fuck I had done.

"Fuck." I whisper.

I grab a couple of paper towels, cleaning the counter and then put them on my cuts before putting my sleeve down.

I'm wearing a black sweatshirt so it shouldn't get stained.

I realize the knife is still on the counter.


I grab it and quickly rinse it before putting it back into its place, making a quick mental note to properly wash it later.

Justin walks into the kitchen, giving me a quick forehead kiss.

"Why're you still awake? You need to rest."

"I completely lost time while working, I was jus gonna make some more coffee to continue working."

"You need sleep."

"I have work to finish."

"Take a nap then. A quick 2-hour nap, I'll wake you up. You're gonna drain yourself like this."

That's a good chance for me to clean my cuts, "Okay,"

He reaches his hand out and I put mine out, but instead of grabbing my hand he accidentally grabs my wrist.

He grips my cuts, "Fuck!" I whisper, pulling my wrist away.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm okay, Imma go to bed."

I cradle my wrist in my other hand as I turn around.


I freeze.

Well fuck.

"Yeah?" I ask turning around to face him.

He had a look of pure concentration on his face as he reaches his hand out to my wrist.

I put it behind my back and quickly walk backwards.

The voice of the other guys gets louder as they walk into the living room.

"Lets go upstairs."

I quietly follow him up the stairs.

He closes his room door once we're both inside.

Walking up to me, he grabs my wrist and lulls up my sleeve.

I close my eyes not wanting to see the look of disappointment on his face.


"I'm sorry."

"I know. C'mere lets clean them."

I follow him into the washroom and he helps me sit on to the counter.

"This'll sting."

I nod and wait for the sting flinching when the wipe touches my skin.

"Wanna talk about it?"


"Wanna talk about it?"

"I don't wanna make you more mad."

"I'm not mad sweetheart, talk to me."

"I stopped working and realized that it was 3 in the morning, and then I remembered that you said you guys would be back in while but it had been so long. So I started overthinking and one thing led to another."

I tuck my face away but Justin grabs my chin; bringing it to face him.

"And what were you overthinking about?"

"I thought you'd be with other girls and that led to me jus having negative thoughts."

"I'm sorry that you felt that way, we all lost track of time while we were there and started goofing around. I'll make that I call to check up on you next time. Is there anything else I could've done tonight to help you?"

"No, maybe jus call next time so I know your okay."

"Alright, now what could've you done to stop yourself, when you felt like cutting yourself?"

"Called you."

"I will pick up, just so you know. Anytime you call, whether it's at 5 am or Im in the most important meeting of my life. I'll pick the phone up. So don't you dare ever hesitate, in the slightest, to call me when you need to."

"Okay," I didn't know what else to say.


I nod and he wraps his arms around my torso, the warmth from his body rolling onto me.

"I'd never go out with another girl when I know I have you waiting for me back home."

"Justin you dont hav-'No I mean that. I like you. I like you a lot. And I also understand if its too soon for you to be in a relationship or if you arent ready. Im ready and 100% willing to wait. Ill be by your side and help you heal u til you can let me in."

"You dont mean that."

"Yes I fucking do." he says in the softest voice ever.

"I want you, im jus not ready,"

"And you can have me once you are, Ill be here waiting."

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now