Chapter 12 ~ BrOkE(n)

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Justins POV
I lay down next to her and stare up at my ceiling waiting for her to fall asleep. I look to see that her breathing slowed down, guessing she was sleeping.

I pull out my phone turning in YouTube and putting on the new NSB video, the volume on low(iykyk). Slowly exhaustion takes over my body and my eyes lies feel heavy.

Taking one last look at Y/n, I close my eyes falling in a deep slumber.

Y/ns POV
I heard someone screaming in my ear, and that scared me a bit. Still half asleep I turn around to find Justin's phone right by my head, a NSB video playing, which explains the screaming.

I carefully take the phone out of his hand and turn off the video, closing his phone and putting it on his night stand. I turn back around and snuggle into the blankets, letting Justin's soft breathing put me to sleep.

Next Morning Y/ns POV
My alarm goes off leading me to pick my phone up and throw it across the room before snuggling into Justin's body, his warmth wrapping around me. Justin's grunts and I look up to see him fluttering his eyes, trying to get sleep out of them.

I turn around and try to go to sleep and that motherfucker decides to shake the living shit outta me. "WHAT DO YOU FUCKING WANT? CAN UR BLINDASS NOT SEE IM TRYING TO SLEEP YOU DIPSHIT?!" I turn around to yell at him some more, but the look of cluelessness on his face stops me.

"Bruh, you threw your phone across the room so it's most likely broken now, that's why I woke you up. I'm um sorry, I guess?" Guilt washing over me, I apologize and get off the bed before picking my phone up, throwing it out the window (I've sadly thrown my phone out the window half asleep too), which for some reason doesn't have a net, and go back to sleep, oblivious to the shocked Justin sitting right beside me.

"Uh Y/n?" He asks slowly and quietly, "What?" My voice grumpy, "You threw your phone out the window." I sit up, realization of the stupid decision I made a minute ago, "Ugh, my fucking hell, not againnnnn." I sigh. "Hol' up, you've done this before?" I stare him dead in the eyes and tell him yes.

"I've done it twice before and I fucking hate it. Especially right now because I'm broke. So I'm hoping it's not broken, I don't have enough money to buy a new one. It's a bad habit, at times my ADHD takes over and I don't think and I act impulsively. Fuck. I'm sorry." I say in a small voice before grabbing my shit and heading downstairs to the outside to see if my phones still alive.

I look around before I spot it and I run towards it, picking it up. There was a huge ass crack in the corner but it still worked. "YESSSS!" I scream cause even tho it's cracked, I can make it work.

"It works?" I nod my head while checking the crack to see how bad it was. Justin peeks over my shoulder looking at the screen, "Dayum that cracks bad. You gon get a new one." I turn around so I'm not being rude while talking to him.

"Nope, I cant, not enough money, you know? Between school and sending money back home and my bills and expenses and shit, I cant buy a new phone, don't worry tho, I'll make this work, lmao."

He slowly nods his head, "Whatever you say works," I hum and start walking back inside. "Oh yeah, Justin?" I wait for him to reply, "Yeah?" "I gotta head back home, can you give me a ride." I ask.

"Sure, tell me when you wanna leave." I say okay and go upstairs to get ready.

Helloooooooooo my favourite ppl
I'm so sorry that the chapter is so short I've been so fucking busy so I want able to write as much as I would've liked to. I guess I hope you like it.
Make sure you eat and drink water. If you need to talk my dms are opennnnn

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