Chapter 21 ~ FuCk

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Y/n's POV

I walk around trying to find the painkiller section when Justin walks up to me. "Have you found what you need yet?"

"Nope, I haven't been able to find the painkiller section, yet." I pop the 'p'.

"Oh, it's down this way." He leads the way and I grab the shit I need.

I place everything down on the counter and start to take my wallet out of my purse when Justin goes ahead and pays for me.

"Ya! I said I was gonna pay! Why would you pay for me?"

"Heyyyy, chill don't worry about it, I brought you along and let you get the shit you wanted, now let me pay. It's all good, Ion mind."

"You little shit! The only reason I came was so I could pay for myself, you've already done so much for me. I'll never be able to pay you back."

"Y/n, to be honest, a thank you in this case is enough."

"Ugh fine, thank you so much Justin, but you better not pull something like this next time."

"I won't don't worry. Now let's head back so you can take your pills."

"That sounds really good."

He hums in response and opens the door for me on our way out. And does the same when we reach the car.

I get in and he closes the door before going to the drivers side and getting in himself.

"How's your head?"

"Still hurts like a bitch."

"You'll get to take painkillers soon, we jus don't have any water in the car, Im sorry."

"Hey, Justin, you got nothing to apologize for, I'm fine, and perfectly capable of waiting for when we have water, don't worry. Please."

He nods and turns back to the road.

The drive back to the restaurant was a comfortable silence and we both got out when we reached.

Justin took out a couple of tablets of the painkillers and placed them into his pocket.

We walked in looking around the room for where the boys were sitting.

Ryan saw us looking and waved us over.

We sat down at the end of the table, right before Seb threw some menus our way and told us that they'd waited for us before ordering.

"You guys shouldn't have, your food would've been here by now otherwise."

"Don't worry, we're good Y/n."

"You sure?"

They all nod. "What do you wanna get?" Justin questions.

"Um, I'm actually not that hungry right now, can I jus share with you? The pack of chips earlier filled me up."

He looks like he wants to argue but then jus ends up agreeing.

He ordered something for the both of us to share, but I wasn't paying attention so I don't know what it is.

My stomach felt uneasy at the thought of having to eat but I decided to try for Justin.

Everyone started talking and making jokes, waiting for the food to arrive.

Once it did everyone dug in and I sat there, like a weird ass motherfucker jus staring at the food.

The smell nauseated me, and I cover my face but make it look like I was jus resting my head on my hand.

Justin grabbed what he ordered and placed some food onto his plate before turning to me, "What would you like?"

"Ummmmm, some of that please and thank you." I point towards some type of food on the platter.

"Mhm, no problem," He says with a cheeky smile.

"That's enough, please." He nods and hands me the plate.

I state at the food not sure what to do. "How about you start off with small bites, hm?"

I nod my head and grab my chopsticks, grabbing some food but I couldn't get myself to eat it.

The amount of calories you're about to eat is horrible. You're gonna get so fat. One piece of fried chicken probably has 500 calories. I can't believe your fat ass.

I feel tears at my eyes. I can't do this. What was I thinking? But if I don't eat, I'm gonna wreck everyone's night. FUCK! Okay all I need to do is take a bite. For NSBs sake.

I take a bite, and then another.

It was good. Really good.

I keep going until my plate is empty.

I stare down at the now empty plate.

I've never felt more disappointed in myself.

"Y/n, you ate it all? I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you."

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now