Chapter 20 ~ PoSsIbIlItY

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TW: Self Harm scars


I look down at my legs not sure of what to do, "These are old right?"

I nod my head, "Then you can put foundation on them, the ones on your arms are really new so you couldn't." I nod my head again.

"Do you want my help?" I nod my head again, "Can I touch your legs?" Once again a nod. I don't know why to be honest, I jus couldn't talk.

"Words, baby. I need words of consent. Can I touch your legs?" I open my mouth but no noise comes out, after a couple of seconds I can finally muster a small, "Yes."

"Thank you," He grabs my arms and rotated me so I can sit on his bed, then carefully grabs my left thigh with the gentlest hands and places my leg on his knee.

Grabbing my foundation, he puts some on the back of his hand and dabs some onto the sponge. I look up at him in shock, "How do you know how to do that? No guy ever does."

He chuckles, "My sister, whenever I go back home to visit or even before NSB got together, when we'd go out together she'd take forever to get ready so once she'd have changed, I'd chill in her room while she did her makeup and I guess I picked up a thing or two."

I smile cause he sounded so sweet, "Aaww, that's so cute." He looks up and smiles at me, then gets back to work.

Once he's finished, I look in the mirror and I'm satisfied. "You look beautiful, in case you couldn't tell."

Okay, you know what, that did it, I was all warm and gooey inside.

I laughed and grabbed my phone and purse before heading out the door, "What? I'm being honest!"

"Stop it!" He laughs and draps a arm around my shoulders, yells, "TO KOREAN BARBECUE!" and runs away.

At this point, I'm laughing my ass off. I get to the car and double-check to make sure I have everything I need before getting in.

"Hi," Justin says as I settle into his lap, "Hi," I reply back. "Can I put my head on your shoulder?"

"Yea, go ahead. I'll wake you up when we get there." I hum in response, a yawn rising from within me.

I lay my head on his shoulder and his beating heart underneath mine put me to sleep.

Justin's POV
"You like her." Oli says as soon as she falls asleep.

"I don't. Guys stop it." I say but I can feel the blush on my cheeks.

"HES BLUSHING!" Kane yells. "Shut up! She's sleeping. You'll wake her up." I retort back.

They all jus laugh and quiet down till we get there.

"Hey, Y/n, wake up. Y/n you need to wake up, we're here. "

She mumbled a bit before lifting her head and blinking her eyes rapidly.

"Hmmm, no." She closes her eyes and puts her face into my neck.

"I'm sorry, but you gotta get up."

"Ugh, fineeeee..."

She then proceeds to get out of the car and stretch.

"I WANT TO SLEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPP!" Y/n says, and Seb jumps up startled cuz she was right behind him.

She then walked towards me and loosely wrapped her arms around my torso, placing her head onto my chest.

"Justin?" Y/n mumbles.


"I'm tired and my head hurts."

She digs her head a bit more into my chest and adds pressure, it hurt but if it helps her, why not?

"It's hurts? How come?"

"I dont knowwww,"

"There's a drug store a couple of minutes away, do you mind if I go get you some Tylenol or Ibuprofen?"

"That'd be nice of you. Thank you."

She lifted her head and smiled up at me, oh hell naw cuh, I got all warm and gooey on the inside.

"I'll come with you."

"Nope. You'll be staying here and resting, thank you very much."

"Pleaseeee, I feel bad making you pay for everything."

She does puppy eyes and pouts her lip. I agreed.

We both got into the car and I drove to the drug store, I got out and opened the door for her.

"Damn that's gentlemeny of you." She says with a cheeky smile.

"Why you're welcome m'lady." And we both break out laughing.

The same thing repeats when I open the door of the store for her except this time I add in a little curtesy, jus to be extra.

Also maybe because her laughs makes me fill with joy. Jus a possibility.

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now