Chapter 18 ~ MeSmErIzEd

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Y/ns POV

"Damn gurl, you are one cruel ass person!" Seb exclaims, rubbing his ass, it probably hurt from me hitting them with the broom 😁😇.

"You know you love it." I reply, and he shakes his head causing me to laugh.

"Hey precious," Justin says sitting down beside me, and let me tell you, my fucking heart melted at that petname.

I'm hoping the blush isn't visible on my face cuz I sure as hell came feel my cheeks getting hot. "Heyyy, what's up?"

"Nothing, I jus came over to see how you were doing?" I subconsciously sigh as soon as he says that, "I'm guessing not too well?"

"You can say that again Justin." He looks over at me and asks what's wrong. "Nothing to be honest, I'm just tired."

He nods his head along, "You want something to eat?" I look up all of a sudden, the question catching me by surprise. (Does that make sense? I'm horrible at writing sorry.)

"Oooh i don't know, umm maybe a small snack...?" He nods and walks back into the house.

A couple of minutes later he comes back out with a million things in his hands. "Justin! You could've just asked me to come to the kitchen with u." I remark laughing.

"Oh shit, you right." He sighs and puts everything on a table, "There were so many options and I have no idea what you like so I um brought everything i could find."

"That's really nice of you, thank you!" I say with a big ass smile on my face. He looks over at me and grins, "It was my pleasure."

I grab a bag chips and go back to my spot by the pool, Justin following me, suddenly a idea pops up in my head, "Tag your it!" I yell and run away.

"THAT IS MOTHERFUCKING UNFAIR! YOU GET A HEAD START!" Justin screams at the top of his lungs before chasing me.

I ran my ass all around the pool, instantly regretting my decision to play tag, my ass hasn't run this much since grade 10 pe.

I turn around and Justin's right on my tail, and the next thing I know is that Im jumping into the pool. Considering the fact Justin was about to catch my ass it seemed like a sensible decision,

"HAHA! SUCKER!" I laugh, which made Justin jump into the pool behind me, amazing.

I quickly get out, giving me a head start but that didnt matter cause he grabbed onto my back and pulled me right into his chest.

The closeness of our bodies made a chill run through me as the shirt of his, which I was borrowing stuck to his body.

I turn around, only to be met with his mesmerizing eyes, and our faces were so close I could feel his breath on mine.

I froze, bro wtf, why am i not exploding with butterflies like the girl does in the shows and books.

I look up at him and feel my body fall into his, almost like we were hugging, but in that moment I knew one thing.

Justin was the one I needed, desired and wanted.

But I also knew one other thing, I wasn't the one he deserved to have to tale care of, he shouldnt have to worry about me.

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