Chapter 34 ~ WeLl, Im FuCkEd

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Once my panic attack was over I stayed in Justin's arms for a bit before he spoke up.

"How about you go change, since your probably not as comfortable in your dress at the moment, and then we come back down and figure what we can do about all of this."

I nod but don't get up when he does.

I actually have no energy.

I feel Justin put an arm behind my back and one under my legs, lifting me.

He starts to walk up stares and all I do is stare at his face.

He looks down at me and smiles, giving me a forehead kiss.

Putting me on his bed, he grabs a sweat shirt and shorts of his from his closet.

"Sweatpants please."

My voice barely a whisper that he wouldn't have heard me if the room weren't dead silent.


I nod, feeling too vulnerable to show even an ounce of skin.

Nodding he puts the shorts away and grabs a pair of sweatpants.

Justin walks over and puts them on the bed beside me but I make no move except for staring at him.

Realizing I wasn't going to change into anything, he sits on the bed side me.

"Do you want me to help you?"

I nod.

"Words precious."


Standing he carefully takes out all my earrings and puts them on his desk, doing the same for my necklace and rings.

He goes to take of the last ring on my middle finger but I pull my hand back, "It's a matching one with Nathan."

Nodding his head in understanding, he moves onto my heels.

Slipping them off, he walks into the washroom and grabs my make up wipes.

With the gentlest hands ever he wipes off my make up.

I start to tear up realizing I've never had anyone care for me like this.

"Heyy, what's wrong? Why are we crying precious."

"No one's ever cared for me like this."

Something changes in his eyes but he masks it before I can tell what it was.

"Well you deserve it and that's what im here for now."

Kissing my forehead he continues.

Once he finishes every thing he puts his hands on my hips.

"Can I take your dress off? Or do you want to change by yourself."

"You can."

Even if I tried with all my willpower to raise my arms I probably couldn't.

He has me stand up and grabs the bottom of my dress.

As he pulls it up he keeps our eyes connected, not looking down at my body once.

My respect for him raised real high right there.

Grabbing his sweatshirt he puts it on me and it covers most of my body since he is a good 6 inches taller.

"Can I have some boxers? My panties are uncomfortable."

"Yea," walking over to his closet he grabs an unused pair and hands it to me before turning around.

I quickly take my panties off and pull the boxers off.

"I'm done."

He turns around and puts his phone back into his pocket, grabbing the sweatpants and carefully grabbing my legs.

Putting each leg through the leg of the sweat pants he pulls them up and ties them at the top since they were way too big for me.

Feeling dizzy, I grab onto his arms, nearly falling.

I rest my head on his chest which was pounding from the drinks I had earlier.

"Precious, you still gotta do your skin care."

"I don't have energy, I literally can't stand for 2 minutes without falling."

"How about we just wash our faces hm?"

"Do I have to ?"


"I don't want to. It's okay if I don't for one day."

"Babes, you were wearing make up, if you don't wash ur face you'll break out. And then that'll make you upset."


I get up and start walking to the washroom.

"Here, lemme help you."

He wraps an arm around my waist and holds me up while i was my face.

Once I finish doing my skin care, Justin runs a hand through my hair, which I straightened earlier.

"I hate my curly hair."

"I like your curly hair more tho."

"Shut up, your jus saying that."

"No actually, your curly hair defines you more."

"No one's told me that. Thank you."

I look up at him and smile.

"Can i change and then we head down?"

I nod my head and go sit on his bed.

He quickly changes and grabs my hand, leading me downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen I feel my heart clench as I see the boys spreading all my work in the island.

"What're you guys doing?"

"We were trying to see if there's anything we can save."

"Oh. I doubt there is tho. Don't worry I'll restart it."

"I'm so sorry, you didn't wanna come either but we made you and now all this happened. We're so sorry."

"Don't worry about it Oli, it's okay. Shit happens."

"What're you gonna do then?"

"Restart the sketch's, do exam reviews through YouTube and Quizlet, all I can really do tbh."

They all nod and go back to what they were doing.

"Guys leave it, it's okay. You can go change or whatever you need to do. I'll figure all of this out."

"You sure?"


They all leave and I grab all my work, putting it in a pile.



"Can you go get my laptop and backpack form upstairs?"


He left and I sat there staring at everything.

"Well, I'm fucked."

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat