Chapter 2. When I open my eyes.

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When Kim Rok Soo opened his eyes the next moment, rather than waking up in his apartment, he woke up in a forest next to a grave, and a person was lying injured next to him.

Confused Kim Rok Soo turned his head around and tried his best to understand his situation.


The injured man groans clearly in pain. Kim Rok Soo turned his head toward the man and inspected the wound on his side.

Rather than trying to understand his current situation, which is a hard thing to do, Kim Rok Soo decided that he first needed to treat the man's wound.

' This guy might know what exactly happened as he was next to me, so it might be better for me to treat him first, then ask him about it later. '

And with that thought, Kim Rok Soo immediately picks up the man and brings him near a river.

He first inspects the man's injury and then proceeds to clean the man's wound first by cutting a part of his cloth into a few pieces and using the smallest one to use to clean the wound.

He then dips the piece of clothing into the water and cleans the surrounding areas of the man's wound. It was quite a deep cut on the man's side.

After he was done cleaning the blood around the cut, Kim Rok Soo immediately wrapped the wound up using the few reminding pieces of clothing he had.

The man's expression seems a little bit better than before, though he is still pale and looks quite in pain.

Kim Rok Soo pondered a few seconds about what he should do next before deciding to pick the man up and start looking for a proper place to rest.

He has to search for at least a good place to lay the injured man down since it would be quite uncomfortable to lay down on the uneven ground.

He slowly lifts the man and starts walking toward a tree shade. After he lay the man down, he starts to think back about his situation.

There are a few things he found quite unsettling. First, when he was cleaning the man's wound next to the river, he noticed that the reflection of his face was quite young.

Kim Rok Soo is 36 years old man, but the face on the water was when he was around the age of 26 to 28 years old.

But his body, on the other hand, was the same when he was the team leader. The only difference was that there was not even a single scar on his body.

The second thing he noticed was the scenery of the forest that looked so peaceful and almost magical. It looks like a straight-out fantasy novel.

Since the world turned to hell, there was hardly any forest that was as peaceful as this one because monsters usually would roam around the forest, making it the most dangerous place.

This thought led him to a few conclusions. One, the team member was playing a prank on him and dumped him here because he worked too hard over the past few weeks.

Two, he dreamed before falling asleep he was thinking about his slacker life living peacefully while surrounded by forest and nature.

Third, he was transmigrated to another world, which is the most ridiculous thought.

But amongst the three conclusions, he came up with the third one is the only one that makes sense given has he woke up here without any trace of being moved after falling asleep in his apartment, and all of his surroundings felt too real to be a dream.

It is also because the other two don't make sense, since who in their right mind would play a prank with injured people involved, and he is not insane to dream about his slacker life with an injured man lying next to him.

'hmn.. that's the only thing that makes sense.'

Kim Rok Soo turned his head toward the man and observed him.

' Yeah. The third is it. There's no way this guy's hair is dyed. '

Kim Rok Soo concluded as soon as he saw the man's hair. Deep red. That's the colour of his hair, and it looks too real to be dyed hair since his eyebrows and eyelashes both have the same colour as his hair.

Kim Rok Soo continues to observe the man from head to toe. Pale skin, long eyelashes, expensive and luxurious clothes.

' This guy he's rich.'

While Kim Rok Soo was busy thinking about what he should ask from this man after saving him as a reward. The man's eyes slowly fluttered to open.


Kim Rok Soo snapped out of his thoughts and turned to look at the man. Reddish-brown eyes met each other. One with confusion while the other with indifference.

" Y-you.. who?"


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