Chapter 5. Meeting I.

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' Lost? '

When Cale heard Kim Rok Soo, he said he was lost. He started to remember where they both are, this place is forbidden for outsiders to enter as this is the Henituse family graveyard.

Only those from his family and with permission can enter. He looked over at the man and started to feel suspicious, but at the same time, he believed the man is being truthful because he didn't know their location.

That's why instead of doubting the man, Cale decided to tell the man their whereabouts to make sure if Kim Rok Soo is lost as he said.

" That... we actually at my family's graveyard, sir. "

As soon as Kim Rok Soo heard about their location, he froze.

' Shit... How the fuck do I end up here in many places. Why a graveyard!?'

Cale examine the older man's face and saw the man look confused. When he saw his face, Cale was sure that Kim Rok Soo was lost. That's why he decided to help the man.

" Then shall we get going, sir?."

" Hmm?... Yeah. Sure lead the way."

Although Kim Rok Soo said calmly he still felt confused there are two reasons for that. First, the location where he transmigrated, and second because of the action of the redhead man in front of him.

He wondered if being trash makes one mind turn to an idiot or if the redhead was just being generous to him because he was his savior. Because the man doesn't question how he ended up here, at the redhead family graveyard.

Cale started to stand up with difficulty while using the tree trunk behind him as support. He winces slightly when his wound starts to open up with the sudden movement.

Seeing Cale had a hard time to even standing up, Kim Rok Soo decided to help the redhead. He lifts Cale in bridal style as he makes sure not to touch Cale's wound.

"Waa!?, W-what are y-you doing!?"

Cale was so shocked by Kim Rok Soo's action, that he push the man's chest trying to get back down, but the man was stronger than his thin arm. Cale's face flushed red with embarrassment while Kim Rok Soo frowned.

" Don't move around or you'll fall. "

" A- I can walk by m- myself so let me down."

" You can barely stand let alone walk. So just stay still."

"B-but I must be heavy... "

" Heavy?. You're as light as a grains sack."

When Cale heard Kim Rok Soo comparing him with a grains sack, his lips turn to a pout. He was slightly angry at the man because never once had he been compared to a sack.

Although he was trash, no one dare to insult Cale in front of himself because he is a noble. Kim Rok Soo was the first person to ever say such a thing to him and he was also the only person who talk informally with him.

That's why even though Cale was mad at the man he also felt comfortable because of the man's blunt way of talking, a slight smile formed on his pink lips, but when he felt Kim Rok Soo's warm hand on his back, his already red face turn even redder.

Kim Rok Soo started to walk down the hill following Cale's order. He walks slowly to make sure there won't be too much movement as Cale's wound might open up more.

He glance over the redhead's face, Cale, if needed to be explained with one word, it would be beautiful. With those pink lips, long eyelashes, and slightly rosy cheeks.

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