Chapter 44. Felt Bad.

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The two of them silently enjoying each other embrace while drowned in their own happiness.

There's no more word exchange between the two of them after the sudden confession made by Kim Rok Soo.

They kept on holding each other, without a single word being spoken, until time when by and slowly Cale started to get drowsy as his nerves were at eased after their misunderstanding resolved.

Kim Rok Soo, noticing his sweetheart drowsy figure, slowly led the younger man to his bed and lay him down on the mattress. Before taking his place beside the younger male.

He wrapped his arms around his sweetheart slim waist and brought him closer to his chest.

The two of them continued embracing each other as they drifted to sleep while listening to one another heart beats.


Knock. Knock.

The knock on the door woke up Kim Rok Soo from his slumber. He slowly blinked his eyes a few times before looking down at the sleeping beauty in his arms, hugging his body.


Kim Rok Soo thought as a smile formed on his handsome face as he recalled what had happened last night.

Although Cale had yet given his answer, Kim Rok Soo was confident that the younger male would accept his confession.

It was obvious that the two of them were feeling the same about each other.

The only reason why they had that misunderstanding is because the younger man was confused about his feelings toward Kim Rok Soo.

Cale never had a lover before, and there's was no adult around him who could teach him about love. The same goes for a friend. Since he was acting like a trash, no one wants to befriend him.

Although Kim Rok Soo was a bit resentful at the adults in Henituse's family for neglecting the beautiful red head.

He was also very pleased at the thought that he would be the first lover Cale ever had, and he would also make sure that he was the last.

Kim Rok Soo continued admiring the sleeping sweetheart in his arms for a few moments, completely forgetting that there's was someone outside of the room waiting for him to answer the door.

The person who was standing outside of the room Kim Rok Soo stayed in, knocked on the door once again since the owner of the room had yet responded and gave his permission for him to enter.

Knock, knock.

Hearing the knocking once again, Kim Rok Soo reluctantly left his sweetheart warm embrace as he got out of the bed and made his way towards the door.

He knew very well who would be standing outside of his door in silence like that. There's only one person in their envoy who would wake up this early in dawn, knocking on his door.

Just as he had thought, the moment he opened the door, the scary old butler was there standing outside of his room with his usual benign smile.

“Good morning, Kim Rok Soo-nim.“

Ron greets Kim Rok Soo with his usual benign smile plastered on his face as soon as he comes face to face with the black haired man.

“…Good morning, Ron.“

Kim Rok Soo reluctantly greets the old butler back as he feels genuinely bothered by the scary old butler smile.

He knew why the old man was right in front of his door this early in the morning.

It was obvious that the old butler were there looking for Cale as the red-haired young master was not in his room and there's only one person in their group who Cale was close enough to have a sleepover with.

“Is young master Cale inside?“

“Yes. He's still sleeping.“

“I see. If you don't mind, could you wake the young master up, Kim Rok Soo-nim. The children are quite frightened by his disappearance. They're crying, looking for him.“

Ron had woken up early to prepare his young master morning routine when the moment he stepped outside of his room, he heard a faint sound of sobbing coming from Cale's room.

Others might not be able to hear the sound, but Ron sharp hearing could pick up the voices quite clearly.

Ron made his way towards his young master room with steady steps and knocked on the door softly once he had arrived.

But instead of Cale, On, the silver haired girl is the one who answered and opened the door. Behind her, three red-haired children were crying as they sat up on the bed.

Ron also noticed the corner of On's eyes was wet and red. He asked the young girl why they're crying and found out that Cale was not in the room.

He immediately thought of Kim Rok Soo the moment the children mentioned Cale disappearance.

Ron told the children to wait as he would bring Cale back and proceed to head toward Kim Rok Soo room after calling Hans to accompany the children.

And as he had expected, Cale was indeed in Kim Rok Soo room, sleeping quite peacefully.

Kim Rok Soo, who heard of the children crying looking for Cale, immediately felt bad for leaving the children to sleep on their own.

But he also felt quite reluctant to wake the sleeping beauty on his bed. So, instead of waking Cale up, he decided to go to the children himself.

He knew the reason why the children were in distress with Cale absence, the children once told them about how they found out about their parents' death.

The night before they died, the children were sleeping together with their parents, but later that night, they disappeared.

And when the children go out in search of their parents, they see a bloody scene and their parents' dead bodies.

Because of Cale disappearance, the children trauma's resurfaced and they're afraid to go out of the room in fear that they would see the same scenes once again.

“I'll go calm the children down, Cale had a long day yesterday, and he went to sleep quite late last night. Let's not bother him.“

Ron eyes turned sharp as soon as he heard Kim Rok Soo word. But decided to stay quiet since it was true that his puppy young master indeed had a long day.

“I understand.“

Ron bowed slightly towards Kim Rok Soo and stepped aside as the black haired male came out of the room while closing the door behind him softly.

While making sure not to bother his sweetheart slumber and hurriedly makes his way to Cale's room with Ron tailing behind him.

The moment Kim Rok Soo opened the door, a panicking Hans came to their sights. Hans was trying his best to calm the children down by giving them a lot of snacks.

But the children, especially the twins, keep on crying while eating the cookies in their hands.

He was about to go get more snacks for the children when the door suddenly opened, revealing Kim Rok Soo.

Seeing the handsome black haired man, Hans let out a sigh of relief as the twins immediately stopped crying and ran towards Kim Rok Soo, who opened his arms towards the twins.



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