Chapter 38. Heading Out III.

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“I did learn some martial arts, when I was younger. But I stopped.“

”Why did you stop?“

“Well because there no need to"

“Shouldn’t you at least have the strength to protect yourself?”

There was concern in that seriousness. Cale wondered why Choi Han was suddenly becoming so serious, but decided to answer the question anyways.

“I have plenty of ways already.”

Cale took his gaze off of Choi Han and looked around. 15 soldiers who were stronger than him, and 5 knights who would do well no matter where they went.

There were only a few servants aside from them, but his hyung, Ron, Beacrox, the two kittens, and even deputy butler Hans were much stronger than himself.

Cale made eye contact with each of the people and stop his gaze when his eyes met a pair of reddish brown eyes.

There's only one person there who had the same eye color as him, it was his hyung, Kim Rok Soo.

Those deep calm eyes that was staring at him, was enough for Cale to know that his hyung is without a doubt would protect him.

Cale smile lightly towards his hyung before turning back to Choi Han to ask.

“You can see them too, right?”

‘I'm not alone.’

Cale started to smile. He knew that they would all protect him.

Of course, if he was asked about this before his encounter with his hyung, Cale might have dodge answering the question.

But since meeting his hyung, Cale start to trust the people around him and appreciated them.

He start to change by thinking and learning to love himself.

‘And it all thanks to hyung.’

Cale decided to be a little more honest to Choi Han, who was sitting there looking at him.

He patted his heart as he answered confidently with a playful expression plastered on his face.

“And I trust my heart. I will live.”

The smile on Cale face was peaceful as he declare those words.

The sight almost blinded Kim Rok Soo who was unprepared for the critical attack given by his sweetheart.


Kim Rok Soo thought as he hold his heart and close his eyes to calm himself down.

He then huff out the breath he was holding to calm himself down before responding to Cale words.

“That's right being alive is the most important. In the end the one who believe in their self and survived are the victorious.“

Choi Han looked toward Kim Rok Soo and Cale with shaky eyes.


“Hmm? What's wrong?”

On and Hong approached Cale and Kim Rok Soo as they hugs their waist. The action makes Cale smile as he strokes the two children hairs.

The Cat Tribe siblings stopped eating and started to rub their cheeks on Cale’s torso.

Kim Rok Soo also reach his hands out to strokes the children heads before moving on stroking his sweetheart soft fluffy hairs.


Choi Han put down his empty soup bowl and stood up from his seat.

“…I’ll be practicing with my sword now.”

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