Chapter 28. The Indestructible Shield III.

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—… That’s why I am so full! It was delicious!

Chatter chatter. It felt like the grudge was from not being able to speak instead of not being able to eat.

After hearing the spirit chat on and on for a couple of minutes, evaluating all of the different types of breads that Kim Rok Soo had brought, Kim Rok Soo nodded his head and tried to cut the voice off.

—Things like this were not available in ancient times. The people of the Forest of Darkness claimed to be servants of a god yet only gave me tasteless things.

However, Kim Rok Soo decided to wait a little longer after hearing the spirit mention the ancient times.

—I was, naturally, banished from that place. They said I was a glutton. A glutton my ass. Of course, I left with my friends. We were planning on putting the world back on the right track.

For someone like him who needed Ancient Powers, it was important to listen to stories about the ancient times.

However, the story soon ended, and the spirit went back to talking about food and other useless things. Kim Rok Soo quickly cut it off.

—I don’t think I could give up this taste even if I got fat. It’s so unfair that I had to eat dirt and ended up dying!

“Yes, it was an amazing and professional evaluation. You’re a bit lou-“

The spirit cut Kim Rok Soo off.

—You understand my evaluation. You are a really good guy! Thanks!

…Kim Rok Soo couldn’t tell whether he could really communicate with the spirit or not.

He really could not figure out the situation at hand. At least the voice stopped after telling him thanks. Kim Rok Soo looked toward the tree in front of him.

“How interesting.”

The man-eating tree, the originally black man-eating tree, was starting to turn white. It then started to slowly grow some green leaves.

The scene looked even more mystical because he was surrounded by fog right now.


The noise held some heaviness compared to before. Kim Rok Soo kneeled on one side and sat down underneath the trunk of the tree. A bright white light was pouring out from the hole.

Kim Rok Soo put his hand into the light. He then closed his eyes.

‘This must be it.’

A warm and strong power that wrapped around his hand. He started to smile before hearing the voice one more time. It was a pure and warm voice.

—It will protect you.


For a very short moment, a bright light wrapped around Kim Rok Soo. The light was silver in color, and the light started to become absorbed by his body.

The absorbed light all gathered at Kim Rok Soo’s heart.


Kim Rok Soo let out a long sigh as he opened his eyes. It did not hurt. It was warm, and the pure power was making him feel happy.

Kim Rok Soo quickly lifted up the shirt that he was wearing.

‘I did it.’

There was a small silver shield inscribed over his heart. It was different from a tattoo. Such a beautiful and fancy shield left its mark over Kim Rok Soo’s heart.

The shield will prioritize its owner’s safety above anything else. The location of that promise was at the heart. This shield will be with Kim Rok Soo until his heart stops beating.

“How nice.”

Kim Rok Soo could feel the strength wrapping around his heart. It was not causing any issues. In fact, it felt like the shield had surrounded his heart, and was doing its best to protect him.

Ancient Powers like this left their unique mark when they are activated. He quickly used the method that was written in the novel to trigger the Ancient Power.


The ‘Indestructible Shield’ appeared in front of Kim Rok Soo’s eyes. It was a silver shield that was just large enough to cover Kim Rok Soo’s upper body.

There were two silver wings on both sides of the shield, which allowed the shield to move within a certain radius from Kim Rok Soo. The size of the shield was also controllable.

He started to control the size of this shield that already felt like it was a part of his body. This immediate familiarity was one of the special traits of Ancient Powers.

That was why heroes used it, even if it was just as a support.

Kim Rok Soo started to smile.

‘A maximum of two times.’

Kim Rok Soo was thinking in terms of Choi Han, the strongest person around him right now. The shield should be able to block two of Choi Han’s attacks.

‘The strength of this shield is stronger than I expected. Why would the heroes not use it all the time?'

The Indestructible Shield, unlike its name, actually is capable of breaking. However, it does not disappear upon breaking.

If the shield receives an attack stronger than its abilities, it will store as much of its strength as possible to protect the owner’s heart before it breaks. After a while, the shield will recover its strength and can be used again.

The strength of the shield comes from the owner’s heart.

The beating heart. That heart becomes the strength of the shield. The heart strengthens the shield while the shield protects the heart. So, what would happen if the heart gets stronger?

‘It will get even stronger.’

There were many ways to strengthen Ancient Powers. Kim Rok Soo will be strengthening this shield, when he accompanying his sweetheart, Cale, on the way to the capital.

Once that happens, he should be able to make a shield that can last 10, no, at least 5 minutes when someone of Choi Han’s caliber tries to kill him with all of their strength.

Ancient Powers, as seen with this man-eating tree, are difficult to earn unless you, ‘coincidentally run into them.’

The person who knows the most about these ‘coincidences’ in the first five volumes is probably Kim Rok Soo.

Kim Rok Soo started to smile. He reached out and touched the shield. It felt nice. However, there was one thing he didn’t like about it.

“…It seems too divine.”

At full strength, it looked like a Holy Shield that the Knights of God carry with their swords in myths.

Of course, the former owner of this shield was a priestess who was tired of the term god, and the current owner, Kim Rok Soo, just didn’t like gods.

‘It’s not like there will be many reasons for me to use this.’

He was planning on leaving the fighting to everyone else. The terror attack at the capital. He may have to use it if something dangerous happens to his sweetheart there.

But he will make sure it is small and faint so that other people will not notice it.

Kim Rok Soo returned the shield to his heart and patted the now white tree as he started to walk away. The misty rain inside the fog started to wet Kim Rok Soo’s shoulders.

Kim Rok Soo liked the fog, but did not like rain. He started to walk faster toward the estate. He needed a carriage.

But since he did not go out with Cale today, there's no way for him to ride one.

He's a commoner and a guest after all.


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