Chapter 45. I'll Protect You All.

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The twins immediately started to sob as Kim Rok Soo held them in his embrace.

"U-uncle pweas, p-pweas don l-lwevs ush. Ayan wiy bif a goos boy."
(U-uncle please, p-please don't leave us. Aryan will be a good boy.)

"Sob.. sob..Uncle, u-uncle, Aiya ish, goos g-girl."

Both toddlers weep sadly as they buried themselves into Kim Rok Soo embrace.

Seeing the twins' pitiful appearance, Kim Rok Soo felt extremely bad for leaving the children by themselves.

A frown formed on his handsome face as Kim Rok Soo gently strokes the twins' small heads while they continued to sobs and clinging on him.

Kim Rok Soo then turned his eyes to the other two children who were standing beside him.

The redness on their noses and eyes shows that both of them were also scared and traumatised.

The red-haired boy was still sobbing as he held the hem of his sister shirt, while the oldest amongst the children, On, held on her tears.

As the oldest, the little girl had to be strong for her little siblings. All the times when they were still wandering around in the street.

She had to hold her tears and be strong for her younger siblings. On couldn't let her younger siblings see her being afraid or scared and weak.

Because she knows her younger siblings were all depending on her.

That's why even though she was as scared as her younger siblings upon, Cale sudden disappearance. On still tried her best to be strong and soothed her little siblings down.

Kim Rok Soo started to frown even deeper as he felt conflicts on how to soothe the children.

He had never comforted a child before, since children tend to avoid him because of his large build and cold personality.

All he could do is pats the children head softly as he waited for them to calm down.

Once the twins started to settle down, Kim Rok Soo slowly brought them to the bed and tucked them in.

He then called over the other two kittens, On and Hong, to come closer to the bed.

Once they had come near the bed, Kim Rok Soo lifted both of them and tucked them in the bed, on either side of the twins.

He then gently wipes the tears mark on the children cheeks with a damp towel given by Ron as he says something to the children with a frown on his face.

"Get some sleep. Children shouldn't wake up so early. You guys need plenty of sleep to grow bigger."

Although his voice sound stern and there's a frown on his face, the children could feel the gentleness in his action and the concern in his eyes as he look at them.

They especially felt more at peace once they heard his next words.

"I'll be right here until you guys wake up again, so go to sleep and let's eat breakfast together later."

Once they heard those words, the children slowly started to feel tired and drowsy.

It makes sense they would feel so since they were emotionally drained from remembering the trauma's of their parents' death.

But knowing that the black haired man would keep his words and be by their sides once they woke up, put their mind at peace and slowly sleepiness started to take over their body and mind.

The light patting on the blanket that's covering their body was enough to put the children to sleep as they slowly lost their consciousness.

Kim Rok Soo silently watched the children falling asleep while patting the blanket covering their body, as his mind started to think about the children past.

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