Chapter 29. Outing I.

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Once Kim Rok Soo stepped out from the slum, he could see a man in a raincoat standing beside a familiar fancy carriage. He looked toward the man more closely and realized that the man was Cale's carriage driver.

Kim Rok Soo slowly makes his way toward the carriage driver. When he almost arrived, the man lifted his head, and as soon as he saw Kim Rok Soo, he immediately turned around and knocked on the carriage door.

Not long after he knocked, the door slowly opened.

Kim Rok Soo instantly stopped on his tracks as soon as he saw the people inside of the carriage. There were four children and one man inside of the luxurious carriage, smiling and waving at him.

Smile. Kim Rok Soo lips started to form a very happy smile as he saw them. He quickly resume to walk towards the carriage and getting inside, as it's started to rain heavily.

“Hyung, did you get it?“

Cale asked Kim Rok Soo as soon as he took a seat, with excited and shining eyes. Seeing his sweetheart looking at him with such a cute face, Kim Rok Soo could not help himself to caress Cale's soft hair and answer the young man question.

“Yeah. Do you want to see it?“


Cale nodded his head excitedly at his hyung words. It was at that moment that two toddler was tuggings on both of their shirts.

When both Kim Rok Soo and Cale turned their attention to the toddlers, four pairs of golden eyes filled with innocence were staring at them in great curiosity.

“Can we see it too?“

On took the lead to ask the handsome black haired man, as her dongsaengs nodded theirs head's in agreement.

Kim Rok Soo strokes Aryan hair as he is the closest to him and answers the children with a nod. Before calling out the Indestructible Shield.


A small silver shield with two wings on it side appears on Kim Rok Soo's palm.


Cale and the children stare at the silver shield  formed on Kim Rok Soo's hand with wide eyes before the shield slowly starts to disappear.

“It pwetty!"

The little baby, Arya said to the older man as she held Kim Rok Soo hands with shining eyes. Seeing her happy face, Kim Rok Soo reaches his hand out and strokes her hair.

“Ah. By the way, what are guys doing here?"

Kim Rok Soo asks as he turns his attention to Cale.

“Well, the children were looking for you this morning. But hyung already head out and the weather looks like it's going to rain. So I thought we might as well come pick you up."

Kim Rok Soo turned his sight to the four children who were smiling happily at him. At first, Kim Rok Soo thought that the children might dislike or scared of him since they seemed to distance themselves from him.

But seeing how they're looking for him first thing in the morning makes his heart warm, and a smile form on the corner of his lips as he took turn stroking the children heads.

“Hmn. Is that so. Then since we're already out, how about we go shopping for some clothes for the children?"

Cale nodded his head at his hyung words once his eyes set on the children clothes. The clothes they worn were the old clothes of his little siblings.

Since he decided to take care of the children. There's a lot of things he had not prepared for them yet. That's why he agreed to his hyung words as he decided to get everything the children would need on their outing.

Cale opened the small window right behind the carriage driver's seat and told the driver to head towards the boutique he frequently went to.

As soon as the driver heard Cale's order, the carriage started to move.


“Welcome, young master Cale.”

The moment Kim Rok Soo, Cale, and the children enter the boutique, the owner immediately comes out to greet Cale.

There's only a few places where Cale never make trouble whenever he came to visit, and the boutique is one of them.

This boutique is Cale late mother's favourite boutique, and all of their family clothes were ordered from this very store. Cale liked this store very much since it was one of the places that reminded him of his mother.

And all the designs here suit his tastes.

That's why he brought Kim Rok Soo and the children here. Since there is no better boutique in the city than this store.

“Madam Janet, how are you?"

Cale greets the old lady politely, unlike how he would towards other store owners, because he had been close to her since he was young.

Madam Janet is a 56 years old lady, but her appearance, which is both graceful and stunning with the beautiful dress, makes her look like she was in her 30s.

“I've been well, how about you, young master? Looks like you made some friends."

“Ah. Let me introduce you. This is Kim Rok Soo hyung, and this is the children that I'll be taking care of from now on."

"Hello, pleasure to make you acquaintance.“

Kim Rok Soo bowed slightly towards Madam Janet as Cale introduced him to the old lady.

“Hyung, this is Madam Janet. She the owner of this boutique and kids give her your greeting."

The children nodded their heads as Cale told them to greet the boutique owner. Before introducing themselves to her.

On as the oldest, he took the lead as she bow politely toward the graceful old lady.

“Hello, nice to meet you. My name is On and this is my dongsaengs."

“H-hello, aunty. I'm Hong."

“H-hello, my ame ish Aiyan."

“Ay-ayo, unty. I ish Aiya."


Madam Janet laughs softly at the children cute greeting before answering the children.

“Hello, sweeties. My name is Janet, but rather than aunty, it's better if you call me grandma Janet.“

Madam Janet strokes the children's heads softly before turning her attention back to the redhead young master. Cale started to speak the moment their eyes met.

“I would like to make some big orders, is that alright?“

"Oh my, of course. There's no way I would decline such big orders. Especially when it's from Henituse's family. Fufu.“

The old lady laughed softly as she quickly turned to a merchant mode.

“Well, I'll be assuming that the order would be for the handsome young man and the children's, yes?“


"Oh my, you came at the right time, young master. A new design just came in, I'm sure you'll be pleased with it.“

Madam Janet quickly leads them towards the VIP room as she told her workers to bring them all the new designs.

It didn't take long before the big VIP room to be filled with tons of clothes linings.


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