Chapter 11. Realization of Love I.

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On their way out of the slum, Kim Rok Soo and Cale walk side by side with a slow steps while drowned in their own thoughts.

Kim Rok Soo was busy thinking about what he should do next after he done getting the ancient power. While Cale on the other hand was busy thinking about the children.

He thought about the two toddlers with the same red hair as him. Although it was not rare, the red hair that he and his deceased mother possessed are hard to come by.

Most people who had a red hair are neither dark bloody red like Hong or bright rosey red-orange like the Breck Kingdom royal family.

When he first laid his eyes on both of them he felt a strong feeling of familiarity with them even though it was their first meeting.

Cale was thinking so deeply about the two toddlers that he didn't realize they had arrived at the slum entrance.

He look up towards the taller man and his eyes met a pair of calm and deep reddish brown eyes staring straight at him.

" What are thinking of so deeply, Cale?"

Cale was stunned when he heard Kim Rok Soo deep voice call out his name gently. His eyes turn misty and a soft pink blush painted his face as he stare at the handsome man face in mesmerized.

" What's wrong? Hmm, Cale?"

Kim Rok Soo lift his hand up toward the red head pink soft cheek and cares it gently as he was worried the man was sick with how his eyes was out of focus and his cheeks turn warm and pink.

" Are you feeling unwell?"

Hearing the concern and worried voice, Cale quickly snap out of his trances and turn his head forward as he answer the man in stutter.

" N-No! I-I'm fine."

" Are you sure? Do you want to stop by the tea shop first and take a rest?"

" No, i-it's alright. It just felt rather h-hot today, let's just go back."

Once he said that Cale quickly headed towards the mansion direction, clearly showing how flustered he is by Kim Rok Soo but tried his best to look normal hoping the other man won't notice it.

But little did he knows, Kim Rok Soo was teasing him and as Cale walk forward he missed the teasing smile form on the other man lips.

Kim Rok Soo watch as the cute young master walk away in hurry as he chuckle seeing the redhead runaway in flustered before he follow after him.

Once Kim Rok Soo catch up with the running cute young master. He gently hold the wrist of the other man making him stopped on his track.

Kim Rok Soo stepped in front of the shorter man and bend his head over the side of Cale face. The hot breath tickle his ear as he face flushed red, his heart are beating so fast that he felt like it would blow up.

Then he heard Kim Rok Soo deep and seductive voice.

" We can't go back yet. There's someone we need to pickup before we go back, let's stop by the tea shop first, alright Cale?"

Hearing those voice so close to his ear, mentioning his name almost makes Cale legs give out. He felt light headed and hot temperature was slowly rising from Within him.

He quickly stepped back from Kim Rok Soo as he felt like he was about to pass out and answer the older man in hurry.

" Al-alright!! Let's g-go, I a-also haven't f-finish t-the novel w-we r-read t-this afternoon."

After blurring out whatever comes to his mind, Cale once again taking the lead by running away from Kim Rok Soo and yet again, he missed the teasing smile form on the other man face.

' Hahaha... How cute... '

A big smile full of adore form on Kim Rok Soo face as he watch the figure of a certain red hair heading towards the tea shop.


Flip. Flip.

The flipping sound of page could be heard on the third floor in the tea shop. Both Kim Rok Soo and Cale was sitting by the window facing each other with novels on their hands.

The silent resonate around them was comfortable and pleasant as they both keeps on reading.

As time pass by, Kim Rok Soo finally lifts his head only to find Cale sleeping with his head down on the table and the novel he was reading are now his pillow.

Kim Rok Soo put the novel on his hand down and reach his hand out towards the red hairs. It was a very beautiful colors in his eyes, as it reminded him of the flower, Red Spider Lily's.

He strokes the soft red hair and stare at the beautiful sleeping young master in front of him. The longer he's eyes stayed on Cale the more he was sure of his feelings.

He had fell in love with the red head.

Although, Kim Rok Soo found it to be surprising since he never thought there would be a time where's he would fall in love with someone at first sight like he did right now.

Kim Rok Soo still accept this feelings without much thought. He knows very well why he fell in love with Cale, from the moment he read the novel [ The Birth Of Hero ] he had already likes Cale.

Since he found Cale personality as he act like a trash but still never truly hurt anyone to be interesting and the way he carried himself with so much confidence without worries are cute.

He finally decided to acknowledged his feelings towards Cale and he was sure there's no need for him to chase after the red head since he could see it as clear as a day that Cale was interested with him.

All he need to do now is makes Cale realize his feelings towards him and he could finally taste the sweet treats in front of him.

Kim Rok Soo smirk as he continues to play with Cale red hairs as he played everything he would do to the beautiful sleeping baby in front of him once he becomes his in his mind.


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