chapter seven: almost as beautiful as you

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amber looked over to josh as they walked through the flower covered walkway — they walked through this large dome, vines and flowers sprawling out above them.

"it's beautiful, isn't it?" amber asked.

josh smiled brightly and looked over to amber.

"almost as beautiful as you." josh said, causing amber to blush.

comments like these never seemed to phase amber, but coming from josh, she absolutely adored it.

they continued to walk through the walkway in a comfortable silence, their hands still together as they walked closely to each other.

amber hasn't felt this comfortable around someone in a long time. she's never had someone's hand to hold as they walked silently, appreciating the little things.

amber looked over to josh, and smiled as she watched him observe his surroundings, but soon enough he looked over to amber and smiled brightly to her, making her insides fill up with butterflies.

she's only known him for over a day and somehow he has this affect on her.

eventually they reached the end of the walkway and amber frowned with disappointment — she'd wanted more time with him.

they both stopped walking, before josh pointed out ahead of him.

"well doesn't that look intriguing?" he asked, smiling over to amber.

she nodded, "it does."

amber and josh began to walk to these stalls, soon realising that it was a market.

the stalls had all different types of things in it — from jewellery, to clothes, to shoes and to food.

josh and amber walked hand in hand, looking around each stall, not buying anything in particular, just wanting more time with each other.

amber stopped josh by a music stall, full of merchandise, and found a t-shirt with a picture her performing on it, and her name plastered on it too.

she smiled before moving on.

she hasn't realised that people were already making merch of her.

after all, she didn't have a website for merchandise, which is something she'd have to organise with jamie.

amber and josh stopped at a jewellery stall, looking down at all the bracelets.

josh noticed that there were two bracelets that looked the exact same — silver chains.

"we should get matching bracelets" josh suggested, holding the matching bracelets in his hand.

amber looked down to the bracelet and smiled, "sure."

as amber was about to get her phone out of her pocket to pay, josh had already paid the owner of the stall.

"i could've payed, y'know?" amber asked, looking over to him.

"i know you could've." josh said simply.

josh and ambers hand slipped away from each other as they placed on the bracelets.

josh unclipped one bracelet and put in around ambers wrist, before clipping it together.

it hung loosely around her wrist, but tight enough that it wouldn't fall off.

amber then helped josh with his bracelet, before their hands found their way back together.

as the two began to walk, they decided that they should go back and join the group.

"i had a really fun time." amber spoke up, looking over to josh with a smile.

"so did i, we should do this more often." josh suggested.

"we should." amber agreed.

the two walked back through the flower decorated walkway, and that's when josh spoke up again.

"i never actually asked anything more about you." josh said, "so... what's your favourite food?" he then asked.

amber thought for a moment.

"probably spaghetti and bolognese." amber said, "my mum used to make it when i was little, and it was my favourite thing in the world." she explained.

"i love spaghetti and bolognese." josh said with a smile.

"well then, what's your favourite food?" amber then asked.

"hmmm... i don't know." josh said, "i just like whatever comes to me." he smiled.

amber nodded, before asking another question.

"if you weren't doing music, what would you be doing?" amber asked.

"something to do with film." josh said, "i've always loved movies and all that, and especially making them... you know? just short films... recording, making scripts and sets." josh explained, a smile plastered across his face.

"that sounds wonderful." amber said as she looked one to him.

"what about you?" josh then asked.

"photography." amber said, "i used to be really into that but since music took off i've kind of... left it."

"well when we're on the road you can take heaps of photos of stuff. bring your camera along, maybe even take a few of me." josh said as he winked.

amber chuckled, "i'll think about it."

the two continued to walk in silence until eventually they reached the end of the walkway, and noticed the group ahead of them.

amber slipped her hand away from josh's, as much as she didn't want to.

josh looked up to her with a confused look.

"it's probably best that they don't see this and think of the worst first." amber stated.

"what do you mean 'the worst''?" josh asked.

amber's cheeks turned a bright red.

"i just meant- uh- you know-" amber tried speaking but she didn't know what to say.

josh laughed lightly, "it's alright, i get it."

amber then looked up to the sound of someone calling out their names and smiled as sam was the first to approach them, danny following closely behind him and jake lingering behind the two.

"where did you guys run off to? you've been gone for ages!" sam exclaimed.

"we just we're walking and then found these stalls and got distracted." amber explained.

amber saw jake look down to her wrist, noticing the bracelet, he then looked over to josh and saw the exact same bracelet on the same hand.

jake looked up and glared at josh.

"we should head back to the hotel, my legs hurt." danny complained.

"i'll carry you." sam joked as the group began to walk.

"as if you could carry me." danny said.

"are you calling yourself fat or are you calling me weak?" sam asked.

the group laughed, all except jake who eyes still lingered onto josh with a burning hatred.

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