chapter twenty six: what is really going on between you two?

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amber had never felt more comfortable in her life, and as her eyes fluttered open, she was met with these soft hazel eyes watching her.

now she knew why she felt so at ease.

"morning." his raspy voice greeted her.

amber stretched, "good morning."

the window to her left was slightly agape, and she heard the birds chirping ever so clearly, along with the waves crashing against the shore on the beach not too far from where she lay.

she also smelt coffee and some sort of sugary breakfast treat.

as amber looked up to josh she took it all in — what she could hear, smell and see.

the wind pushed around his soft curls, and he smiled down to her innocently.

"what are you looking at?" he asked her, resting his chin on his hand.

amber smiled, "you."

a small smile appeared on josh's face, and amber pulled the curtain to the side to reveal an empty beach, with the sun still rising.

"care for an early morning walk?" she asked him.

"we can bring our food and drinks with us." josh said.

"you got us breakfast? i just assumed it was danny..." amber said.

"well there was this place that opened early around the corner, and i thought i could go out and get something quickly, then get a little more sleep." josh said.

amber smiled, "and you came back here?" she asked, "when you could've gone to your own bunk?"

josh's cheek then turned a bright red, and he stumbled along his words.

"i- uh... well, i just thought-" amber cut josh off.

"josh it's fine, i would've crawled back in with you too." she said, smiling to him.

josh smiled, and the two looked into each others eyes in silence for a few moments.

"well we should get going." amber said, josh then slowly getting out of bed, making sure to help amber out.

they were both in their clothes from yesterday, and they didn't want to miss the early morning light, so they took their snacks and exited the tour bus, then making their way onto the beach.

the sun shone bright against the water, and amber felt that same nostalgic feeling as her feet reached the sand.

josh and amber walked along the beach for some time, eating and drinking as they watched the water crash against the shore, greeting the friendly locals that were running along the beach with their dogs.

josh then quickly took ambers hand, pulling her over to a boat on the dock.

"what are we doing josh?" amber asked, chuckling as he helped her onto the boat.

"we're making the most of the morning." he said.

amber looked out beyond the ocean, the sky being a mix of yellow, pink and orange.

josh went into the boat and came out with two plastic cups and what appears to be champagne.

"champagne at six in the morning?" amber asked, smiling as he sat down in-front of her.

"of course." he said, popping the champagne, the contents spilling over the edge.

"what's the occasion?" she asked as josh poured the drink into each of their cups.

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