chapter twenty two: so what he liked her first?

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amber woke up, and as she pulled her curtain back, she noticed she was the first awake, which is shocking as it was 12 in the afternoon.

these boys really like their sleep, amber thought to herself.

amber walked into the small kitchen area and made herself a breakfast at midday meal — a simple bowl of cereal — then taking a seat at the table.

as she looked out the window she didn't see the beach and the waves that followed, instead she were met with the wall of a large building.

amber's head then shot over to the left when she heard the tour bus doors open. she saw josh and nick walking up the steps.

josh's face lit up as soon as he saw her, and he slid into the seat across from her.

"i forgot to tell you that if you wanted, we could go to my manager, jamie, today and talk about the whole 'fake relationship' thing." amber said.

"sure." josh said, smiling softly to her.

"great well just let me eat this, get dressed and we can go." amber said.

josh nodded and looked up to nick who slid into the seat next to josh.

"so what did you two do this morning." amber asked after she had swallowed a mouthful of cereal.

"we just got breakfast with danny and jake and walked along the beach before i drove us the next venue." nick said,

"i would've woken you but you looked so peaceful." josh said, and amber smiled to him warmly.

nick looked between the two awkwardly before speaking up again.

"just so you know there are like heaps of fans outside." nick said.

amber raised her eyebrow, "how many?"

"there's at-least two hundred." josh said.

amber looked between the two with a shocked expression on her face.

"our show isn't for another six hours." amber stated, and both the boys nodded.

amber sat back in disbelief.

200 people waiting outside for us, 6 hours before our show? she asked herself.

she couldn't believe that everyone was waiting out for hours on end just hoping to get a glimpse of their idols.

amber then turned her head to see danny walking up the tour bus steps, meeting the three at the table.

"jake's pissed." danny said, resting his forehead in his hand.

"why?" amber asked, "maybe i could help?"

danny sighed, "i don't think he really wants to see you."

amber felt a pain in her chest.

"he doesn't want to see me? wh-why?" she questioned.

"he doesn't like the whole 'fake dating' with josh idea." danny explained, "he's just not happy."

amber frowned.

she wants to do this, but she also wants to please jake.

the fact that she's conflicted between the twins doesn't make this situation any easier.

amber stood up and rinsed out her bowl.

"i don't understand how he would be affected by this though?" amber asked, continuing to clean up her bowl.

josh and danny stayed silent, and when amber turned around, she saw the two having a nervous expression written on their faces, looking at each other worryingly.

rockstar | gvfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora