chapter twenty nine: i'm begging you, give me a chance

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after jake had told amber that sentence, the two walked back to the tour bus in silence — jake hanging around outside as amber went inside.

as amber crawled back into bed with josh, she noticed he was already slightly awake.

"where were you?" josh had asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"just wanted to get some fresh air." amber answered.

josh nodded and then snuggled back closer to amber — amber playing with his curls making him giggle.

currently, josh was laying in amber's lap — the morning sun pouring through the small window as they looked into each others eyes longingly.

"good morning." josh said, looking up to amber as she continued to fiddle with his curls.

"morning." amber said, smiling to josh.

"what have we planned this fine morning?" josh asked.

"driving, driving and more driving." amber said, "looks like you'll be stuck in the tour bus with me for the whole day."

"i'm not complaining... as long as we're like this, then i should be fine." josh said, making amber smile.

the two continued to look into each other's eyes, and josh sat up to push a loose strand of hair behind amber's ear.

his eyes then moved down to her lips.

screw doing it right, Josh thought to himself.

as they moved in closer, their lips almost touching, the curtain flung open, causing amber and josh to back away quickly.

"good morning you so called 'love birds!'" sam said, showing his phone to the pair.

it was yet another article of the two, labelling them as 'love birds'.

amber rolled her eyes, "thank you for showing that to me samuel."

"hey, you got yourselves into this situation, i'm merely just keeping you updated." sam said, shrugging his shoulders and he walked down the tour bus.

amber then moved out of her bed, waiting for josh, their hands entwining as she led him down to the front of the bus.

amber then had suddenly, a mug held up in-front of her.

"for you." jake said, smiling to amber.

amber pulled her hand away from josh to take the mug, and as she looked in the mug, there were a few marshmallows sitting on the surface, and automatically she knew it was hot chocolate.

"just thought i'd try to start your day off good," jake said, "you know, cause you said i always make the best hot chocolates, right?" he asked.

amber nodded slowly, before turning back to josh as jake walked away.

she could tell josh was hiding some sort of emotion, and she could only guess it was jealousy.

after all they both supposedly like her.

the two moved to the table, where danny, sam and taylor sat.

amber looked up to taylor and smiled, though he simply just looked away, disregarding her presence.

amber furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

what did i do? she asked herself, replaying the past few days events, trying to think of what she did wrong, though she couldn't come to a conclusion.

amber took a sip of the hot chocolate jake had made her and smiled.

he really does make the best hot chocolates, amber thought to herself.

"here you go..." jake said, placing a plate of eggs, bacon and toast in-front of amber.

"thank you." she said with a smile.

"hey, how come she gets the first plate?" sam whined.

"yeah, what's this special treatment?" nick said as he sat down next taylor.

danny looked to josh worryingly.

"good morning to you too." jake said, "and patience is key." he added.

"screw patience! i'm hungry man!" taylor groaned.

moments like these made it feel like amber were surrounded by her brothers, with their childish like behaviour.

jake then handed out the rest of the plates one by one, but missed josh.

"sorry, there's none left." jake said with a shrug, sitting beside amber with the last plate.

amber looked to josh and she saw his jaw clench, but then seconds later composed himself.

"that's alright." josh said.

"here, we can share. i've got heaps anyway." amber said, pushing the plate closer to josh.

josh smiled and the two shared their food together, jake cursing under his breath.

"so who's doing the driving duties today?" danny asked.

"i'll do the first few hours." amber offered.

"yeah, and i'll do the next few hours after that." nick spoke up.

"ah what the hell, i'll do some too." taylor said.

they all decided that after taylor's few hours of driving it should reach their destination, which is a hotel in the city close to where they are performing two days later.

once everyone had finished breakfast, josh took the plates and did some washing up. sam and danny stayed at the table to play cards as taylor resorted back to his bunk.

as amber was walking down the corridor to the bathroom, she was swiftly pulled away to the side by, jake.

"hi." he said, their faces inches apart.

"and what do you want, jake?" amber asked, trying her best not to be bothered about how close they are right now, and how tempting his lips look.

"to be close to you." he said, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

to think that weeks ago he would barely put together a sentence for her, and now he wants to hold her in her arms, and win her from josh.

"did you forget about what i've said multiple times before?" amber asked.

"i respect what you think but if i'm being honest it's a load of crap." jake said.

amber raised her eyebrows, "a load of crap?"

"amber you feel something for me, and i feel something for you too. i know you feel certain with josh, but i'm begging you, give me a chance." jake said, going on his knees.

amber laughed, pulling him up.

"jake, let us be." she said.

jake rolled his eyes.

"i know you're waiting for him to make the first move, but that might be a while, amber." jake said.

"and i'll wait." she said, backing away from jake, "because i don't want to rush anything." she added.

amber then turned and went to the bathroom, locking herself in.

jake was getting inside her head, and this is exactly what she didn't want to happen. yet she knew he was going to do this.

she was trying to put up these walls to protect herself from him, but his charm and beauty have been breaking them down time and time again.

he always knows what to say and always looks at her a certain way.

amber hopes that jake won't come between her and josh, because she know it won't take all that much for her to go to jake.

he's just simply too irresistible.

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