chapter seventeen: leaving so soon?

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"oh my god." amber mumbled as she watched taylor jump around the dance floor with sam.

"they get crazy, don't they?" josh asked as he leaned closer to amber.

"yeah..." amber said, then laughing lightly as she watched the two stumble on their own feet.

amber then looked over to the bar where she saw nick and danny sitting, having a quiet conversation despite the loud nature of the bar.

"i'm gonna head out." jake said, sliding over slightly.

amber moved out of the booth so that jake could slide through.

"leaving so soon?" josh asked.

"yeah." jake said as he stuffed his hands into his jacket pocket.

jake then looked over to amber, and she looked up to him.

they held eye contact for a few moments, before jake looked away, and cleared his throat.

"see you guys tomorrow." jake said, looking over to josh, then to amber, but holding his gaze on her for a few seconds, before reluctantly turning away.

amber watched as jake slowly made his way to the door.

it was like she was watching him in slow motion.

it may be unusual to some people, but amber liked the way jake walked.

it was different to how he walked on stage.

on stage he walked with confidence and power.

yet now, when he isn't on stage, he takes each step with purpose, walking lightly along the wooden floors as if they were to fall underneath his feet if he put to much weight in his step.

amber then found herself smiling, realising that she was literally just thinking about the way he walks, knowing that there is so much more to him.

"i'm gonna head back too." amber said, her eyes still on jake as he opened the door.

"oh- i-i can walk you back." josh offered.

"no, it's okay." amber said, finally looking over to him as she stood up, "i'll catch up with jake, plus, you gotta help those ones back to the bus." she added as she pointed to taylor and sam still jumping away on the dance floor.

josh looked over to the two boys on the dance floor, then biting his lip as he looked up to amber.

"alright." josh said, "just text me when you get to the tour bus."

"i don't have your number." amber said.

josh then pulled out his phone and turned it to amber, showing her his number.

amber pulled her phone out of her pocket and made a new contact — josh 🌞

"okay, i'll text you." amber said, looking up to him.

josh smiled before amber shoved her phone into her back pocket and turned around and went to the door — walking past taylor and sam who were now laying on the floor.

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