chapter eleven: get used to it man

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amber wheeled her suitcase behind her as walked down the hallway with nick and taylor, then entering the elevator.

amber, nick and taylor had lunch yesterday and spent the rest of the afternoon having some drinks, but knowing they had a gig the next day, they didn't go full out.

amber was never really a big drinker anyway, but nick and taylor always seemed to be partners in crime, so if one were to get drunk, the other would too.

they came back late as they went around the city — amber and taylor reminiscing on the good times they had here on holidays.

"so are we all sharing the tour bus?" nick asked.

"yep." amber answered as they walked off the elevator and through the lobby.

"all seven of us on one bus?" taylor asked, wide eyed.

"we're sleeping in bunks." amber said, "plus apparently the tour bus is fairly big."

the group gave their keycards back to the receptionist and thanked her before moving outside — seeing a large tour bus parked right in-front of the hotel doors.

"damn." nick said, shocked to see how big the tour bus really was.

suddenly, there was screaming from beside the group, and they looked over to see many fans rushing their way, waving around cd's and other pieces of merchandise.

"oh my god." nick mumbled.

"get used to it man." taylor said, pushing his side playfully.

the group quickly ran over to amber, nick and taylor, talking quickly and rambling on while they signed their things.

they all said their 'thank you's' before walking off in the direction that came in, still in a daze from interacting with such a well known group of people and getting their signature on a little piece of plastic.

"do you have any idea what any of them said?" nick asked, looking to amber and taylor.

"nope." taylor said, and the group chuckled.

amber then turned to see josh, jake, sam and danny walking out of the building.

amber smiled to each of them, and saw josh mouth a 'hey' — making her blush slightly.

she quickly brushed it off before noticing how sam and danny were looking over to nick and taylor, confused as to who they are.

"sam, danny... this is nick, the bass player." amber began, "and this is taylor, the drummer."

sam smiled and offered his hand out to nick, then taylor.

"nice to meet you." he said.

danny did the same.

"alright, let's hop on up." sam said, leading the group onto the tour bus.

"i dibs top bunk!" josh yelled out.

"you can't even reach the top bunk." danny chimed in.

josh turned to danny, and pulled the finger to him, making the amber and sam chuckle lightly.

the group walked past the small kitchen area and the living area — where there was a table along with cushioned seats.

she then made her way to the sleeping area.

amber snapped a photo on her phone, pushing past sam so he wasn't in the photo and he frowned, obviously wanting to be in the photo — amber rolling her eyes playfully.

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