chapter fifteen: wow

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they were electrifying.

"thank you brisbane!" josh called out into the crowd as each of the boys threw white roses into the audience.

everyone was screaming loudly, begging for more.

josh ran off the stage with sam, drenched in sweat.

"you guys were incredible!" amber said happily.

"thanks." josh said as he took a bottle of water off the table and took several large gulps, "you're next." he then said, pointing out into the crowd.

amber looked to the crowd and her heart began to beat faster, and hands shaking slightly.

"hey, you're alright." josh said as he placed his hand on hers to stop them from shaking, "you've got this."

amber smiled, and it was like she now had no fear in the world.

"amber, boys!" jamie called out from behind them, and each of them turned to him, "you're on."

amber took a deep breath and slid her hands away from josh's, then pulled her guitar over her head and looking to each of the boys.

taylor twirled his drum sticks in his hand with that all too familiar smile of eagerness, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

nick pulled his bass over his head and smiled down to amber as she looked up to him.

amber looked back to josh and he nodded with a smile, and she knew by just looking at him, he was telling her,

"you got this."

the lights dimmed and amber looked back out onto the stage, that was no pitch black.

amber, nick and taylor took this as their cue to walk onto to stage.

the group made their way to their spots in the dark, the cheers of fans getting louder and louder as they noticed they were on stage.

amber plugged in her orange guitar to the amp, and as did nick.

taylor sat down in his seat and looked out into the crowd, the flashlights on their phones illuminating their excited faces.

amber walked up to the microphone, in the centre of the stage and gulped as she looked out into the darkness, knowing that there is ten's of thousands of people out there... waiting for her.

amber closed her eyes and imagined herself where she was months ago — she were standing on a little elevated platform in-front of a few people in a bar they'd usually play at each month.

she then opened her eyes, and was hit with reality — this was happening.

everything she had worked for, every sacrifice, every bit of money poured into this... it was worth it.

she was standing in the centre of a stage, in-front of people who adored her, who wanted to be her, or who just more simply enjoyed their music.

amber smiled brightly as she took a deep breath.

"we're gonna start off tonight with a cover." amber said into the microphone, strumming her guitar a few times, but muting the strings.

the crowd roared loudly with excitement, startling amber slightly.

they were loud.

"we know how much you aussies love ac/dc." amber said, and the crowd roared out again.

amber then strummed her guitar with the strings muted and taylor hit the high hat until amber finally played an e chord and taylor slammed his sticks into the cymbals — that's when the venue lit up.

amber looked up from her guitar and out to the audience, she could see each of their faces, filled up with shock, excitement and joy.

they were screaming to her, and others were simply silent — they were that shocked.

amber took a deep breath and began to sing,

"back in black!
i hit the sack
i've been too long i'm glad to be back back.
yes i'm let loose
from the noose
that's kept me hanging about
i keep looking at the sky
cause it's getting me high
forget the hearse cause i'll never die
i got nine lives
cat eyes
abusin every one of them and runnin wild"

amber sang into the microphone, and nick plucked at his bass in concentration, taylor jumping into each drum or cymbal he hit, giving it his all.

they went through the song, and amber sang the last line as the instruments went quiet, though the audience was still loud.

"out of sight"

the crowd cheered and roared and amber strummed at her guitar one last time, and she looked out ahead of her in awe.

"wow." amber said into the microphone.

"how are you guys going tonight?" she then asked, and everyone cheered back.

amber laughed lightly, "good i'm assuming."

she looked out into the crowd once again, just in a daze — it was unbelievable that she's finally made it, how people were calling each of their names, and yelling out the songs they want them to play.

"alright," amber said as she adjusted the microphone and looked down to her hands that where clasped around the black metal, now not shaking at all.

"let's actually play a few of our own songs." amber said.

she smiled out into the crowd, still finding it crazy that she's standing on a stage in-front of tens of thousands of people.

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