chapter thirty: i want us to be real

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"an online interview?" amber asked.

currently amber was standing in the doorway of her hotel room, with josh standing in the hallway.

he's just told her that the both of them have an interview through zoom in twenty minutes.

"i forgot to tell you, sorry." josh said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

amber sighed, "it's alright, where are we doing it?" she asked.

"i figured we could just do it in my hotel room, i have my laptop set up in there anyway." josh said.

amber nodded, "i'll be there in fifteen."

josh nodded and walked away as she closed the door behind her when she went back into her room.

amber felt guilty thinking it, but the idea of her and jake sounded all too appealing.

but then josh would do something small that would change her mind.

amber found that when she was with josh, her mind wandered elsewhere, to jake.

that would only happen for a split second but she can't ignore that it happened.

then whenever it's just herself, without any of the twins, she thinks of jake.

she knew that she shouldn't be thinking of jake, she should be thinking of josh.

josh was perfect, and he was anything you'd ever want in a man.

jake was reckless, and certainly not reliable, but why did she find herself so drawn to him?

it's a constant back and forth between the twins, and she just can't stick to one.

amber then found herself at josh's hotel room door, knocking on the wooden surface.

"hi." josh said with a soft smile.

oh what that smile did to her.

"do you have any idea what sort of questions we'll be asked today?" amber asked as josh welcomed her in.

"well it's an interactive with the fans, so probably questions about our relationship." josh said.

amber sighed, "great."

the two took their seats in-front of the laptop, the two of them waiting for the interview to start.

josh frowned, "i'm sorry that this is difficult for you, amber."

"what did i expect... i just wished we had a little more privacy, you know?" amber said.

"well, it's not like we're actually in a relationship." josh said.

"right." amber said lowly.

josh then frowned again.

that comment made amber question if josh really liked her, although it was true, it was just the way he delivered it that made her sceptical.

"hello josh and amberlynn, thank you for making time in your very busy schedules to be with us today." the interviewer said, startling the two slightly.

"thanks for having us." amber said, smiling.

"well i guess we'll just get straight into it... first question is from @ant_superfan123 and they asked 'how was it like when the two of you first met? could you feel a connection'." the interviewer asked.

amber stayed silent, not knowing how to answer that question, but luckily josh spoke up.

"i know for sure that i felt something, and it just felt right, you know? i believe it was a connection, for sure." josh said.

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