chapter thirty six: i would wait forever if i had to

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amber looked into the crowd and sighed.

how she got through that performance in one piece... she'll never know.

"thank you!" she said into the mic, waving at all the fans and blowing them kisses as she left the stage.

taylor threw his drumsticks into the crowd and nick yelled 'i love you's' to the fans.

as amber walked off the stage she stopped in her tracks when she saw josh standing there and smiling to her softly.

usually he'd hug her tightly, but he kept his distance.

"you were perfect." josh said.

amber smiled, "you say that every time."

"that's because you are perfect." josh said.

amber blushed slightly and turned around to look at the other side of the stage, the other wing.

she'd hoped to have found jake standing there, looking right back at her, his hands in his pockets as he smiled to her and whispered some nonsense about her being a better guitar player than him.

but all she saw was his SG sitting on the rack... a guitar that she can't think about now without thinking of him.

she frowned before turning back to josh.

"i'm probably gonna go get changed and head back to the tour bus." amber said as the two began to walk.

"i'll wait for you outside." josh said.

amber nodded, wishing that he could just let her have her space tonight.

the two split off as amber went into the dressing room and changed back into her normal clothes.

when she opened the door she was instantly greeted by sam, leaning against the wall with one hand in his pocket and the other running through his hair.

he had quickly noticed her and smiled softly to her.

"i hope that now isn't the worst time to talk... i just couldn't help but notice how sad you looked on stage." sam said.

"i looked sad? oh god was it that obvious?" amber asked worryingly.

"oh no, no! i just can tell... like a gut feeling." sam said.

amber nodded, still convinced that other people had noticed how she wasn't herself this performance.

"so... i assume jake got through to you?" sam asked.

"how do you know?" amber asked.

"it's happened before... with another girl." sam said.

"right... josh has mentioned the other girl." amber said.

sam sighed, "look i know they both like you, maybe even love you and i know whoever you choose will make you happy, but i just want to make it clear that jake's love for you is different than the love that josh has for you."

"what do you mean?" amber asked.

"jake's love is so much more stronger than josh's and i know you're uncertain with jake, but he's trying. he's different with you compared to how he's been with past girlfriends. he's trying so much harder. he really wants to be with you, amber." sam explained.

"but he said that he was going to make sure that i ended up with josh..." amber recalled.

"look, don't give up on him... okay? he's just hurting because he had hurt you and he's distancing himself to make sure it doesn't happen again. he has a difficult way of coping but please don't give up... i can see it, you two are meant for each other." sam said.

"you really think that we're meant for each other?" amber asked.

"i'm not the only one who can see it, amber." sam said.

amber smiled softly.

"come here." he said, opening his arms wide.

the two then hugged tightly and amber felt so safe in his warm embrace.

she was lucky to have a friend like him.

"thank you, sam." amber said, pulling away.

"that's alright, now go get some rest, you need it." sam said.

amber smiled and nodded before walking down the hallway as sam went the other way, back to the stage.

amber passed emily, the photographer, as she went down the hallway, saying a short hello.

amber pushed open the door and walked outside to see josh sitting against the wall, still waiting for amber, despite it being so long.

"josh?" amber asked.

he quickly looked to amber and stood up, brushing himself off.

"i didn't think you'd still wait for me." amber said.

"of course i still waited... i would wait forever if i had to." josh said.

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