chapter forty one: i'm always there

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amber's eyes fluttered open and she saw taylor by the sink, filling a glass up with water.

she sat up and smiled as taylor approached her, glass in hand.

"thank goodness you're awake, i was really dreading waking you up." taylor said as he handed amber the glass of water.

amber thanked him and then looked to the clock on the wall, almost spitting out her water as she realised what time it was.

"oh- holy crap! it's 5:40?" amber asked, "i missed soundcheck and the other boys are on stage in twenty!" she exclaimed, quickly getting up from the couch.

"relax, relax!" taylor said, laughing lightly. "josh helped us out with soundcheck, it's fine, and take your time, okay?"

amber sighed, "i want to greet them before they go on stage." she said, getting up from the seat and beginning to gather her things.

"how long was i asleep for?" amber asked as she walked into the other room, closing the door behind her then getting herself changed.

"quite a while, but it's okay." taylor said.

amber pulled her red jumpsuit on and opened the door, going to taylor.

"can you zip me up please?" she asked, not being able to reach to her lower back.

taylor nodded and she turned away from him, feeling the jumpsuit get tighter as he zipped it up.

"thank you." she said, then moving back into the bathroom and looking in the cabinet at all the sparkly makeup and little boxes rhinestone's that filled the shelves.

amber began placing the rhinestones around her eyes, and applying the sparkly makeup on her face, bedazzling herself.

"did jake or anyone come while i was asleep?" amber asked as she put glittery, gold eyeshadow on.

"josh and jake stopped by." taylor said.

"oh really? what did he want?" amber asked, feeling her heart skip a beat as she heard jakes name.

"they wanted to check up on you i guess." taylor said, emphasising the 'they.'

amber nodded and then put her final touches on her makeup, before turning to taylor and placing her hands on her hips.

"how do i look?" she asked, striking a pose.

"you look dreadful. now let's go!" taylor said, jumping up from the couch and opening the door for amber as she rolled her eyes at him.

as amber walked into the hallway there were heaps of people standing or walking hurrying to make sure things are perfect before the greta boys get on stage. she'd have to get used to how packed backstage can be.

amber walked down the hallway with taylor by her side, squeezing past people and eventually making it the wings, where she saw sam and josh, eager to get in stage.

"hi." amber said with a smile.

"hey amber." sam said, giving her a wave, before looking back down to his bass and plucking away.

amber then turned to josh, and he looked into her eyes, almost desperately.

"i hope you've thought about what i've said..." josh said, playing with his fingers nervously as he spoke.

"i- josh... i don't think this is the best time to talk about it." amber said, looking out past him, seeing tens of thousands of people packed into one area.

josh sighed, "maybe you're right. but i need to know what you're thinking. tell me, please." he begged.

amber looked away and spotted jake on the other side of the stage along with danny, waiting to be told to go on stage.

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