chapter thirty two: i fell for you!

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amber awoke to the sun pouring through the clear curtains, and she looked down to jake, who was still snuggling up to her.

she smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, and eventually his eyelids fluttered open slowly.

"good morning." amber said.

jake looked up to amber,

"wh-what are you doing here?" he asked her.

"well a very drunken jake said to me that he wanted me to stay, and so i did." amber explained.

jake nodded slowly, and smiled, resting his head back against ambers body.

"what did i say last night, amber?" jake asked.

"don't worry about what you said, jake." she said.

jake frowned, "okay."

the two stayed like that for a few minutes — amber running her fingers through jakes hair while he traced shapes on amber's hand with his finger.

she liked how she felt when she was around jake.

there was this rush, she couldn't quite explain it, but it was different to when she were around josh.

she'd only hope that this rush would last forever.

"oh- i think i'm gonna be sick." jake said, quickly jumping out of his bed and bolting for the bathroom.

amber quickly followed him, pulling his hair back as he puked into the toilet bowl.

amber pulled the scrunchie of her wrist and pulled jakes hair into a bun.

she rubbed his back soothingly as he vomited, and eventually he wiped his mouth with the toilet appear and flushed the toilet.

"i'll get you some water." amber said, standing up and going back into the bedroom.

amber found a glass on a table and then filled it up with water in the bathroom, crouching down as she handed it to jake.

"why are you taking care of me, amber?" jake said after a long gulp.

"because i care about you." amber said, pushing a piece of hair away from jakes face.

"i just... i don't understand. you treat me like this, you give me this hope, and yet you choose josh." jake said.

amber looked away from jake, "i- uh, you need some panadol... i have some in my bag, i'll go get it."

as amber was about to stand up, she was pulled back down by jake.

"amber... i just don't understand." jake said, his sad eyes looking into hers.

amber sighed and crouched back down next to jake.

"jake, truth is i hate feeling like this. i hate feeling torn between the two of you because it isn't right. no matter who i choose, someone will be hurt, and i can't stand seeing you hurt." amber said, thinking back to the events of last night.

"wh-what do you mean amber?" jake asked.

amber looked up to the roof in an attempt to stop herself from crying.

"when i came into your room last night you were crying jake... over me. i can't ever stand seeing you like that again. and knowing that i caused that made me feel so guilty, and i don't ever want to hurt you, i can't- i-" amber choked on her tears as she spoke, and she quickly stood up, looking away from jake as she wiped her tears.

"amber..." jake said, "it's not your fault, i just can't handle rejection, okay?"

"i haven't rejected you jake. truth is, you've always been on my mind. whenever i'm with josh i think of you and whenever i'm not with him i'm still thinking of you. it's horrible, feeling this way. because i know that josh is perfect, and well with you, i feel this uncertainty, like i don't know if it'll last, whereas with josh, i know that it could." amber explained, "and i- i'm hurting because i know one day you'll win me over, just like you said you would. well actually, truth is, you've done it. last night did it for me. but i can't bring myself to say anything to josh because then he'd be heartbroken, because i can tell he's been so anxious about you coming between us and i promised him it wouldn't happen, that i wouldn't fall for it and i did... i did jake! i fell for you!" amber said, crying out at the end because she simply cannot keep it in anymore.

amber then began breaking into sobs, not being able to contain it.

"amber..." jake said again, standing up and touching her shoulder slightly, but she moved away.

"jake... i just, i need time..." amber said, "i need time to tell josh how i truly feel and i need time for myself."

"i'm sorry amber... i didn't mean for any of it to end up like this, truly." jake said, his voice cracking,

he moved closer to her again, but she stepped back.

"just... just give me time, okay?" amber said, looking into jakes eyes.

he nodded slowly and with that she turned and walked away, leaving his hotel room and going back into her own.

jake sat on his bed and rubbed his face.

how could he let this happen?

he never intended for her to become so affected by this... if only he had just backed off, maybe this would've never happened.

it would break his heart watching her with josh.

how could he live like that?

watching from afar as his brother lives his life with the one that he loves.

but if she were happy, then jake would be too, right?

jake then began pacing around the room.

what could he do to fix this?

after a few minutes of contemplation, he finally came to a solution.

jake were to keep his distance from amber. he wasn't going to do anything that would jeopardise her and josh's relationship.

although amber said to jake that she thought of him all the time, that he had won her over... he knows that it'd be best if her and josh were together.

but the thing is...

does amber want to be in a relationship with josh?

or would she rather be with jake?

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