chapter thirty four: she deserves you

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amber was the first who walked onto the tour bus with her flowers in hand, quickly putting them at the edge of her bed, so she doesn't think about them for too long, and how it was such a sweet gesture.

she then went into her bunk, closing the curtain, shutting herself off.

she didn't know how she could really deal with anyone right now. she won't be able to look at either josh or jake, it'll just hurt to much.

amber just laid there, pulling the camera out from her bag, soon realising that she hadn't used it yet, and instantly made a mental note to do so.

one by one she heard the boys enter the bus, all putting stuff at their bunks and then going back to the front of the bus, until she heard two familiar voices.

"hey, have you seen amber?" josh asked.

"no, i haven't." jake said bluntly.

"look, eventually we're gonna have to have an actual conversation, not just continue to ignore each other." josh said.

"alright." jake then said simply.

there was a few seconds of silence.

"look, i know you like amber, and so do i, but i don't want that to come between us, okay?" josh said.

"yeah, whatever." jake said.

"jake, please. i just want us to be okay again." josh said.

"okay? okay, josh? how am i meant to be okay when you two are getting closer and closer by the minute while i'm having to back off. it's hard seeing the person i like with my brother, even though i've made this decision because i want to see the both of you happy, and we all know how great of a boyfriend you are compared to me, and how you're just soooo perfect." jake said, babbling on slightly.

"jake..." josh said softly.

"no josh. she likes you, and she likes me. but the problem is now she's fallen for me, and i am doing everything in my power to make sure that she ends up with you because she deserves you, and as much as i hate to admit it you deserve her." jake explained.

"wh- why? why are you trying to get her-" josh was cut off.

"because josh, let's face it, i wouldn't be as good as you are, and she deserves someone to treat her like you could." jake said.

"jake... i know you've made mistakes in the past but i'm sure-" josh is cut off once again.

"josh, stop. look i really like amber, and so do you. so i'll be the bigger man and step back, like you once did for me." jake said.

"i didn't step back jake, you won her over." josh said.

jake chuckled, "i know when a kiszka steps back, after all, i am one."

there was silence for a few seconds.

"b-but she's fallen for you." josh stated.

"not for long, it'll pass, and she'll be back to watching you from the wings with this adoration in her eyes just like she had been doing all the previous shows while i'm standing in the shadows waiting for her to finally look to me." jake said.

amber then heard footsteps going down the bus and she assumed jake had walked away and josh jumped up onto his bunk.

amber pulled out her phone and opened instagram, going to jake's name.

last time i checked i think
i was the one in control of
my own emotions.

jake then opened the message and simply left amber on seen.

amber furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as this newfound sadness flew over her. it wasn't the sadness she had felt previously today, knowing she'd have to talk to josh about her feelings for jake, and then knowing she'd be leaving jake waiting, but it was this sadness knowing that the one she likes doesn't want her back.

jake liked her, he even said it, but the fact he's backing off for his brother to be with her, saddens her because she doesn't have the same feelings for josh like she once had.

jake had completely hijacked ambers mind when she least expected it, and now she wants him like a drug, now more than ever.

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