chapter twenty eight: i only think of you

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amber awoke to complete darkness, and when she looked out the window she noticed it was night.

somehow her and josh completely switched positions — amber now being the closest to the curtain and josh to the window.

amber managed to slip out of josh's embrace and into the tour bus hallway, eventually deciding for some fresh air.

she noticed that the tour bus door was unlocked, and when she stepped outside she saw a figure leaning against the tour bus, clouds of smoke floating into the sky.

as amber reached the last step, the figure's head sharply turned to see who the intruder was, but their body relaxed when they realised who it was.

as amber walked closer to the figure, the lamppost shone against his face lowly. she was barely able to make out who it was.

"hello, jake." she said, leaning against the tour bus beside him.

jake puffed out smoke and looked down to amber.

"what are you doing out here so late?" he asked her.

amber shrugged.

"what about you?" she asked him.

"couldn't sleep." he said.

amber nodded and stared at her feet, a few seconds later jake threw his cigarette to the ground and stomped on it.

"you wanna walk?" he asked her.

"sure." she responded simply, pushing herself off the tour bus.

the two walked down the footpath, still being able to hear the waves crashing from the beach beside them.

"where are we exactly?" amber asked.

"i don't know exactly. we've got a while till we get to the city, but danny just parked it here since it's quiet." jake explained.

amber nodded, "fair enough."

as amber looked up to the sky, she noticed that the stars shone brighter tonight. then she looked to jake and noticed how handsome he looked.

already he was flooding her mind, and she just wishes that josh was the only person on her mind.

jake then stopped by the park bench and pulled out his phone.

amber confusingly walked back to him, noticing he was opening spotify and typing a song in.

'i don't wanna be okay without you' by charlie burg began playing, and jake turned to amber, holding his hand out to amber.

"dance?" he asked her.

amber remembered the days she wished she would dance in the rain with a boy.

"sure." she said, smiling enthusiastically.

it wasn't raining, but it was close enough with the ocean beside them.

amber slipped her hand into jake's and they began to sway back and forth.

"this was the last song i listened to before i met you." jake began, "and i think it says a lot about us."

'i'm saying things i don't believe
and your love casts its shadow on the things i do
and i can hear so clearly all the words i wished i said
you're stuck in my head'

jake then twirled amber around, making her giggle like a little girl, distracting her from listening to the lyrics.

'but i only think of you
will we be together soon?'

the pair continued to dance in the moonlight, in perfect synchronisation.

'i'm thrown to the wayside
you're planted in my mind
but i don't wanna be okay without you'

amber rested her head against jake's chest, and he ran his fingers through her hair soothingly.

'now i can't find the words to say
that'll be the perfect balance
between loud and clear
and i can hear so well,
your lovely voice inside my head
saying you love me, oh'

amber looked up to jake, and him down to her.

"what are you trying to tell me, jake?" she asked him, the music now simply just being in the background as her intruding thoughts were occupying her mind.

"that i only think of you," jake said, "will we be together soon?"

amber bit her lip as she contained her smile.

"jake, i already said to you that i see a future with josh." amber said.

"yeah but i don't believe you want that." jake said, pointing his finger to amber, "let's be honest here, you like the idea of being with josh because you'd be so sure of everything. he has everything together. he's prepared. whereas with me, i'm forgetful, and i certainly don't have it all together, and that makes you unsure about if we would last." he explained.

amber was shocked that jake had explained the situation so well.

"well... yes." amber said.

"i know you like josh, but i also know you feel so much more for me, amber. why can't you just give in?" jake asked her.

he then moved closer to amber, lifting her chin with his finger, his touch still being so cold to her.

he stared at her lips, wanting to kiss then so badly.

"jake..." amber trailed off.

"oh god, you have no idea how badly i want to kiss you right now." jake said, looking away for a brief moment before making eye contact with amber.

"i want to kiss you, i really do... but that would just make things even more complicated." amber admitted.

"complicated how?" jake asked.

"with josh." amber said.

"right, of course." jake mumbled, moving his hand away from amber, and stepping back slightly.

"i'm sorry." amber said.

"amber. i am going to do everything in my power to be with you." jake said sternly, "even if that means josh gets hurt in the crossfire."

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