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A/N: For all the people who want to read stories about of their favorite ships without the romance... Enjoy The Bromance


I'm not sure what's happening to me.

Riki, Jungwon, and I didn't care as the rain began to pick up. We monitored the arguing between Sunghoon, Heeseung, and Sunoo. They were going back and forth, when the sound of screaming tires suddenly flooded my ears.


It's so loud it feels like my ears might bleed.

"Dad!" Sunghoon screams and there's a surging through my body. An aching all over. Especially in my chest.

Ah... it's hurts so bad.

"Jay?" Jungwon's voice sounds faded to me.

I see Sunoo drop. His body goes still and Heeseung yells for someone to call an ambulance.

"Sunoo, please. I'm sorry, wake up," his voice... the words. They sound familiar. Like I've seen this before.

"Jungw--," I can't even finish my sentence as my knees hit the ground. Gravity is pushing me down into the earth. My head's light and my heart is pounding like crazy. Am I about to die?

There is an unbalance in me and I sway into the cement; my cheeks press against the concrete . My body follows, collapsing down with it.

Everything's a blur. I can barely make out any frantic sounds around me.


"Hey, I'm driving here," my father yells, suddenly drifting in the lane. My stomach lurches a little and I can feel my lunch coming up. My mom and dad know I'm prone to motion sickness, why are they always like this.

"You're such a manipulative son of a gun. I hate you," My mother's words are slurred as she drunkenly pulls the steering wheel.

"Stop it," I gulp.

"I wanna drive," she hisses and her I smell her alcohol written breath back here.

"Sit back!" My dad yells at her.

"We aren't married anymore, so you can't tell me what to do," she sticks her tongue out teasing him as if she's a child.

Please... I pray. Please stop fighting.

The car jerks and dad let out a complaining yelp. My mom's smoker gray tongue licked the side of his face.

My dad's a germaphobe, so of course he cries out in disgust.

Please make it stop, I keep praying.


There a screeching on the brake. I thought the sound of sharp screaming would eventually stop...

But it never did.

I was wrong. It wasn't my dad who was drunk. It was mom. My mom, she ruined everything. As she always does.

She ruined her and dad's marriage.
She ruined her lungs.
She ruined everything.

The sound of sirens and flashing blue-red lights woke me out of my forced slumber. I blink a few times and see a guy in a paramedic uniform, unbuckling me out of my seat. I try to furrow my eyes at him in confusion, but I quickly come to realize their a huge pain in my forehead.

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