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A/N: For all the people who want to read stories about of their favorite ships without the romance... Enjoy the Bromance :)

 Enjoy the Bromance :)

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He says that he loves me.
He says that we're brothers.
Fuck that!

Us? Right... I don't think he's aware of the meaning of those two words. All his family has ever done was bring me pain. I lost my mother. I lost my father. All in a matter of minutes and I was just a fucking kid.

Traumatized, left behind with a wrecked emotional stability and a heart condition that was undiagnosable. There was a constant fear growing in me...  I could die at any given moment and not knowing when, terrified me deeply like an injection needle serum coursing non stop through my veins. I would be gone not ever having the chance to matter... And Heeseung would be all alone.

Because of Sunghoon's family... I spent the a great deal of my life seeing doctor after doctor. Spending endless days bed written in a room unable to get the limbs of my body to move without being in excruciating pain.

They were all so clueless. I bet Sunghoon doesn't even know I was forcefully made to unenroll out of college because of my illness. Too many attendance absences.

And don't forget to imagine how much of inconvenience my condition was to Heeseung. There was so much pressure on my brother's shoulders. I made everything so difficult by just wanting to live.

I wanted to live even though, I knew that being alive meant holding Heeseung back from his potential, his passion, and kept him from pursuing his dream music career.

Suddenly, my hard working brother went from a normal high school student and idol trainee to a parent-less teen with nothing left to do but spend the rest of his life taking care of his sickly orphan brother. He gave up so many opportunities just to make sure I was okay.

And we were stuck in this torturous cycle of, "Will it rain today?"

After we discovered the pills... We hoped they'd solve our problems, but no. It was still awful and I just got use to pushing through a lesser pain.

Eventually, I got tired and I was so sick of this being my life. I didn't want Heeseung to continue to be wrapped around me so I forced myself to put on a brave face.  Constantly, I begin looking for distractions. What could I do to not worry him anymore--  (on non rainy days I  studied boxing and taekwondo. I just desperately loved the feeling of being able to move my body and be in control... I looked for bodyguard certifications. That's we're Heeseung and I bumped heads but... I just needed to keep on) looking for distractions in order to keep myself from thinking about the burden I knew I was becoming

Heeseung suffered. I suffered. Greatly.

All because two high class families (Jay's & Sunghoon's) used their power and connections to take advantage of us. We couldn't compare to them in anyway, shape, or form -- not with money or social status-- it was so easy for them to trample on us... kill us and then have the case buried.

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