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A/N: For all the people who want to read stories about of their favorite ships without the romance... Enjoy the Bromance :)

 Enjoy the Bromance :)

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End It All


I wake up in a gasp. Coughing from the sudden inhale of dust and aching of my ribs. Beneath me lies a hard mat table. The kind surgeons used in the operating room. I push myself up with my wrists. My vision becomes clearer as my head makes 180 degrees turns analyzing the unfamiliar area.

Well, this is the first time in my 5 years of working as a bodyguard that I've been taken hostaged in the place of my client. And, technically I've quit my job.

Are they kidding me?

The walls are cement. It's color an old dull grey. It seems my voice would echo if I attempted to scream right now. A worn out wooden door with peeling strips is dressed with a metal chain and lock, keeping me in.
A busted plastic sign on the wall reads, INFIRMARY.

I look to the tables next to me. There's another person in here.


I'm sure I've made enough noise for them at least look in this direction by now. In fact, as I stare at them longer they're being unnaturally still.

I jump down from my table. My feet make a cold tapping sound as they hit against the tile-less floor. I approach the stranger. A white sheet covers their entire body, but not their head.

Staring at the back of their neck, I shake him. But as if he's lifeless dummy from a filming set, he flips over for me to recognize his face.

"Riki?" I scream nearly falling to my knees. My wrist keep me from actually buckling down to the floor, by planting themselves on the edge of the table.

I regain stability, and caress Riki's hair out of his eyes. His face... it's all beaten up. His left eye is swollen purple and there's blood dried under his nose. A bruised scratches have formed on both inner corners of his mouth.

It's almost as if he was kicked around as a form of tortured. If this all the damage to his face, I don't even want to imagine the condition of his ribs and limbs.

How long has he been here?

I shake him again, gently.


"Riki, please wake up!"

He's not responding.

I put my ear to his nose. He's breathing.

I check his pulse... it's barely there.

"Riki!" I shout again, "Come on wake up; you have to be okay."

"Stop you're hollering?" One of the goons I fought earlier walks in through the door that is now unlocked. I didn't even hear it open.

"What did you do to him?" My voice is shaking.

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