Chapter 16

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And for Lana to think things couldn't get worse.

Lana stared at him with wide eyes. She was debating in her head if she should tell him the truth.

"Listen. I have a fake name to him, and the locker is for Marc Spector so I had to lie and use his last name." That was the truth.

"Oh.. alright.."

He put the passport down and continued looking through the stuff. Then he found the beetle.

"No way." He whispered.
"It's real. It's totally real." Lana snapped her head back to look what he was talking about.

"Steven. Give me it." Lana said, holding her hand out.

It started flying and Lana just stared. She didn't wanna fight her friend for it.

"I'd say you are a compass, but you're not pointing north." Lana just sighed.

"Steven, I need you to listen to me very carefully." Marc said through the reflective walls.

"Marc's talking to you isn't he?" Lana said as she saw how he looked at his reflection on the wall. Steven just nodded.

"Marc? There he is. Here he comes." He waved to Marc. "Hello, man In the mirror. I was wondering if you'd pop up again."

"I know you're scared."

"A bit, yeah."

"I know you're confused. You weren't supposed to see any of this."

Steven laughed " ironic, Lana said that a few minutes ago."

"No, we'll bit late for that, innit? So what? Am I, like some sort of mad secret agent or something?" Lana laughed slightly.

"It's a bit more complicated than that."

"More complicated? What? Am I possessed."

"Your not possessed, Steven" Lana tried to reassure him.

"Are you like a demon or.."

"You and Lana are in danger. I can save us. Just like I did last night. But I can't have you interfering in what I have left to do. So this is what's gonna happen. You're gonna go lay down on that cot back there. You're gonna take a nice nap. And Tell Lana to leave. I don't want her caught in all this."

"Are you joking? I mean I agree about Lana but sleep? I'm never gonna go to sleep again. You hear me? Look I don't care how bloody handsome you are." Lana smiled slightly at those words.

"Tell me what it is you are. What are you?"

"You sure you wanna know?"

"Yes, bloody. Yes."

"I serve Khonshu. I'm his avatar. Which means you are too, sort of. We protect the vulnerable. And deliver Khonsu's justice to those who hurt them."



"The Egyptian god of the moon?"

"Exactly." Lana said.

"Oh, my god. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Wait Lana.. you knew?"

"I did. I'm sorry Steven. I'm sorry I lied to you, I really am." Her eyes basically pleading for forgiveness, how could Steven ever resist her eyes, hair or just her.

"It's fine.. I guess I understand."

"I eat one piece  of  steak and them bam, I go bonkers." He said, sitting down.

He started breathing heavily "oh god I'm having a panic attack."

Lana rushed over to him and hugged him, which surprised him. "Listen Steven. You'll be fine. We'll figure this out promise."

"I made a deal with Khonshu."

"I need to go to a hospital."

"That deal is contingent on you not interfering. Lana wasn't either."

"Shut up! I don't want to hear you talk about her like that!" Steven snapped. Lana was a bit confused about that.

Marc was quiet for a little "now, give me the body. Let me finish this. And you'll never hear from me again, you and Lana won't."

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