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I sit in Nick's room, staring at the code. I've been staring at it so long that I think it's permanently in my brain now. I could stare at a blank wall and recite this code line by line if I wanted to.

What is wrong with it?

The door opens and Nick walks in. He shuts it behind him, which is weird to me. I really thought he was going to get his roommate to help us, but he seems to be back up here, roommate-less.

"Okay, he agreed to look at it." Nick reaches over me and grabs the mouse.. "From his room, but he's going to look at it."

Nick goes to pull up his email, but he looks at me for a second. "Can you turn around or close you eyes or something?" he asks. "I can't let you see his email or name."

What? I could've searched his computer while he was gone and found tons of things. But I didn't. Why does he feel the need to hide an email from me?

"You're weird sometimes, Nick." I roll my eyes but turn around anyways.

The sounds of typing are the only noise for a couple minutes. When he's done, he turns to me.

"Can I see your phone?" He holds out his hand.

"Seriously? I can't see an email, but you want my phone?"

"Yes." He nods once. "I need to type in his number."

I shake my head but reluctantly give it to him. Once again, there's probably something against giving your number to men that you don't actually know. Don't follow my lead, kids.

He copies a number from his phone to mine. "Give it a couple minutes, so he can read it. I already gave him your number, so he'll text."

"Why did you need to put his number in then?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment before shrugging. "Just so you wouldn't think stranger danger or anything."

"Nick, this entire situation is stranger danger." I roll my eyes.

He laughs a little before going back on his phone. It takes almost ten minutes before I get a text from the number Nick put in my phone. I look at Nick as soon as I see the contact name?

"Why is his name 'Clyde Roommate'?" I ask.

"Because his name is... Clyde, and he's my roommate." Nick grabs a blanket from the bottom of bed. "I think I'm going to take a nap."

I look to my left and see an empty plastic water bottle on the desk. I grab it and throw it at him. It's a weak attempt and just barely hits the bottom of his food. He looks up from the blanket though.


"If I have to be here, then you at least have to be awake, got it?" I ask.

He sighs and mutters, "Got it."

Clyde Roommate

I don't see anything


Well me neither

Nice to meet you btw

Clyde Roommate

Yeah haha I just found out you exist

Did Nick really hire you?


Yes now stay on topic

Did you try running the code?

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