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Gemma is awake when I'm about to leave for Nick and Clay's house.

"Why do they even need you over at their house?" she asks, taking a bite of a donut.

I shrug. "Not really sure, but I think they just have newer software then me."

She smirks. "Then just make it hardware."

I give her a look. "Gemma, no, stop it."

"I'm just saying." She puts her hands up in defense. "You're spending hours in this guy's house, in his room. And you're saying nothing happened?"

I nod. "Nothing's happened."

"Yet?" She raises her brows.

"No yet." I shake my head.

I haven't exactly told Gemma the entire truth since I don't really know it myself. I know she wouldn't let me anywhere near that house if she knew how sketchy the situation is. I just let her know that I'm working for these two guys on a coding project. If she asks any more questions, I can go into the details about the code. It'll put her right to sleep like she usually does when I try to talk about it.

"You know." Gemma grabs a donut. "There's a party in a couple days." I'm already shaking my head, and she puts a finger in the air. "My friend David. He's a good guy, trust me."

"I might be busy." I shrug. "I don't know."

"You already said yesterday was your last day with hot coder guy," Gemma points out.

I furrow my brows. "Who said he was cute?" I don't even know what he looks like.

"I can just sense it." Gemma feels the air around her. "It's like a superpower."

I roll my eyes. "Sure it is."

"Don't doubt me, okay?" Gemma takes a bite of the donut and speaks with her mouth full. "Now go to the hottie's house."

_ _ _

Nick calls me when I'm halfway to their house.

"Hello?" I say when I answer.

"Hey, so I just left my house," he begins, "Clay's asleep, but the door's unlocked."

"What do you mean you left your house?" I ask. " You knew I was on my way."

"I need to make a run to the store," Nick explains, "Plus, you know where my room is."

"That's not a reason to leave me all by myself."

"I said Clay was there." I know Nick well enough to know that this was said with an eyeroll.

"You said he was asleep," I point out.

"He's still there." Nick sighs. "I told him you would be there when he woke up. You can brag that you got an earlier start than him."

I check my clock. "It's two in the afternoon, Nick."

"Still earlier than whatever time he's going to start."

I laugh. "You're an idiot."

Nick stops for a second. "What did you just say?"

"You're an idiot?" I repeat. "It was a joke."

"Oh, I know." He takes a sharp inhale. "I just wanted to know."

Nick hangs up once he gets to the store. He claims he'll be back in an hour or so. I drive the rest of the way to their house.

Walking up to the door, I feel a little nervous. What if Clay's already woken up? I don't want to walk in to see him. That's not really the way I want to officially meet him for the first time.

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now