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After telling the guys about my move to New York, I called Magnolia Kennedy about accepting her offer the next day. I spent the rest of the day on and off the phone with different people from the company, signing digital contracts that officially commit me moving to New York for the next year.

Then, I spent all of yesterday arguing with a very rude man about flights to New York. I had a business that I was flying under, but it was within a five days notice. It was a hassle, but I leave on Saturday.

I leave on Saturday. The thought crosses my mind at least three times every minute; it hasn't felt real yet.

I also haven't packed like it's actually happening yet either. Everything in my room has stayed in the same spot it was; the only thing different is my shoes lining the wall because I thought it would make a big difference.

Nick walked in this morning and asked why I wasn't doing anything. I pointed to my phone, indicating I was talking to someone, and I waved him out of the room.

Now I stand in the middle of a hot mess, unsure where to start.

In the end, I decide to start with clothes. I began a keep and a donate pile, then I folded the keeps to be placed in boxes.

Nick knocks on the door again at some point in the afternoon. "Woah," he says as he walks in.

I look up at him, knowing I must have crazy eyes. "I'm moving into a studio apartment," I complain, "and I have so much more stuff than a studio apartment."

He turns in a big circle to take in the room. "This looks like a hot mess."

"Why thank you." I roll my eyes. "I have the clothes done at least."

"That's a... start," Nick trails off.

"I was wondering if you could pack away my set up?" I ask as sweetly as I can, "Just while I pack up my knick knacks and such."

He glares at me. "Mhm."

Nick puts on a playlist through my speaker, and we both get to work. I clean off all the surfaces of my room into different boxes. I decided that most of my stuff will be going into a storage unit; I guess this is my time to become a minimalist.

Nick tucks the PC boxes away safely before helping stack books into boxes. I gave him a list of the ones I'm taking, and the rest will go to storage.

"Why are you bringing books that you've already read?" he asks after the first shelf is cleared.

I give him a pointed look. "Why do we rewatch Shrek every couple months?"

He nods once. "Understood."

The room is looking more like a mess than anything by the time Clay knocks on my door. I had to drag out old boxes of cleaning stuff from my old apartment with Gemma, so the room is a maze of stacked boxes.

"You ready to go, Nick?" Clay asks after a knock.

Nick's head pops up somewhere around the boxes. "Oh, yeah. I almost forgot."

"Where are you guys going?" I ask absentmindedly.

"Just... out," Nick obviously lies.

I choose to ignore it, wanting to get as much of this stuff packed as possible. "Okay, could you take my donation bag to the drop box please?"

"You got it," Nick says before leaving. I hear them yelling George's name to wake him up a few minutes later.

It takes a couple hours before I finally give up on organizing tote bag. I swear I don't go out too often, so why do I have so many? I haven't even begun going through bathroom stuff, but I'm too tired.

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now