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I choose to leave Magnolia Kennedy's email unread. Not because I'm blowing off the idea of New York, but I'm trying to let myself come to terms with my decision; if I ever actually make that decision.

I check the calendar on my phone, and my stomach does a flip. Two days. I have two days to decide the next year of my life, maybe even longer.

That means, if I accepted the offer, I would be in the city in less than a week.

I don't even know why I'm thinking of making such a big decision on a single whim of spontaneity.

My phone lights up in my hand with a call. I'm surprised to see it's Gemma.

It's weird how relationships between people can change. Gemma was my roommate, someone I spent the majority of my time with, and now I'm hovering over the decline button.

I almost decline the call, too, except for an inkling in the back of my head whispering to me to answer it. I take a deep breath and take the risk.

"Hello?" I say when I pick up.

"y/n?" she asks, sounding surprised.

"Yes?" I laugh. "You called me, Gemma. I would hope you knew who it was."

"I didn't think you'd answer," she admits, "Oh my god, hi."

"Hi," I say back, "what's up?"

"Um," she hesitates, "Um, I have a shirt here, a red Coca-Cola one, and I was wondering if it was yours?"

I shake my head even though she can't see me. "That's yours, remember, you bought it at the thrift shop down the street."

"Oh, okay." She's quiet for a second. The silence between us is awkward, neither sure what to say when we haven't talked in nearly a year.

"Is there something else you wanted to say?" I ask, giving her a window.

"Um, yes actually." Gemma clears her throat. "Eva and I are moving."

"Moving?" I ask. My brain has flashbacks to their wild elopement. "Where to?"

"Washington," she answers, "The state not the city."

"Washington," I repeat; my voice is lined with surprise. I've never heard Gemma mention it; I mean, Washington is across the country "What's up there for you guys?"

"A fresh start," Gemma explains, "Things are kind of rough between us sometimes, and we want to try somewhere new, you know, to get away from all the memories."

Jealousy waves over me. I want a fresh start; I want to get away sometimes.

"Wow, that's-" I think of the right words to say, more for her sake than mine. "That's great for you guys."

"Yeah, it's a bit nerve-wracking, but I think it'll all be okay." Gemma let's out a big sigh. "With that being said, I think I owe you an apology."

My heart stops for a second. It's one of those sentences that you don't realize you need until it's said.

"I treated you horribly," Gemma begins, "Even before I ditched you and the apartment, I never stopped to think about what was best for you, and I am so sorry for that."

I had no idea that I'd been waiting all this time for that apology. It's not the kind that means we're going to become best friends again; it doesn't even mean we're going to be friends at all. But it gives me closure on that era of my life; it lets me be able to move on from the past, and I've needed to let go for a long time.

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now