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The spring breeze from outside follows me through the door as I walk into the law office. The secretary glances up from their desk and smiles.

"He's just finished his meeting," they tell me, "but you can go in right now."

"Thank you," I say before lightly knocking on Ben's office door. I wait for him to say it's okay before walking in.

"Hi," I say, looking around his office like I do every time I visit.

"Hello." He walks over to kiss me, and I hand him a paper bag. "What's this?" he asks.

"A donut." I sit down in his office chair. "There was a new place, so I thought we'd try it together."

His brows furrow, and he looks up at me. "There's only one in here for us to try."

"Well, I got hungry on the way." I smile as innocently as I can. "They're delicious, though."

He laughs, walking over to his desk and pulling out a drawer. He grabs a disposable fork, and I wonder why in the world that's in his desk. I watch as he cuts the donut and slides a half over to me.

"You're the best," I tell him with a smile.

"Mhm." He rolls his eyes. "Are we going out with Griffin and them tonight?"

I think for a second. Personally, I would love more than anything to just stay at home in our pajamas, but I know how much Ben loves to hang out with his friends. "Up to you," I say, "I'm good if you want to stay home."

"We can go," he decides.

I nod as I take a bite of the donut, and I make a mental note to get them for us again sometime.

_ _ _

Ben has a close group of friends that seem to have adopted me as their own these past couple months.

Griffin and Caleb are the most bro-type men I've ever met. Their favorite thing is beer, bars and boobs. Then there's Lexi and Lola, the sisters. They stick together, drink together and do just about everything together.

Going out seems to be the group's favorite thing to do, but we always do the same thing. We go out to a bar of some sort, Griffin and Caleb get too drunk, we have to get them out of trouble, we take care of them then we finally get to go home. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Sometimes Ben drinks too, depending on the day. I asked him about it one time; how he chose when he wanted to drink and when he didn't. He said that he felt okay with this group of people drinking.

I furrowed my brows at that because I feel the opposite of safe with Griffin running shirtless in the city streets. My heart pounds non-stop from their first shot to the time they fall asleep. Needless to say, I've never drank with the group.

That doesn't stop them from offering it to me. Like right now, Griffin is leaning across our booth, pushing a shot my way. "Just one?" He raises his brows.

"I'm good with a soda, Griffin." I lift my half-full cup for emphasis.

"Your loss." He takes the shot himself before looking around. "Where' Benny Boo?"

"I was wondering the same thing," I say before spotting him. He's sitting at the actual bar alone. I can see the way his head's hanging, so I excuse myself from Griffin's reach and walk to the bar.

I prop myself on the bar stool next to him. "Hey," I say, glancing at the dark liquid in front of him.

"Hey," he says with a weak smile. I don't ask if he's okay because he's obviously not. I sit there quietly to keep him company, but I don't push anything on him. Because that's how Ben and I work; that's how we understand each other.

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now