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Ok so my Random Book 4 really wasn't cooperating, so I just made Book 5 already- even though the other one wasn't even at 200 >:[

So uh yeah- to start off this book, have funny- I guess-

Laugh 👹


Jason: Can I get another demon?-

Some angel-: What kind?

Jason: A bat shit crazy one-

Angel: Ok, what size?

Jason: ✨shmall ✨


Cups: Who's the toughest person you know?

Mugs: Corrina-

Cori: ! *Blushes a bit*

Cups: Who's the toughest man person you know?-

Mugs: You're the toughest man person I know–

Cups: HELL YEAH– *Shoves Cori-*


Elliott: This looks like the perfect time to scream at the top of my fucking lungs.




Cup, thinking: [When did I start thinking stupid, sappy things like that...? ...And why?]

Elliott: *Laughing his ass off about something-*

Cup: [It's almost like... I–]


Elliott: You wanna know what I actually did in my spare time back when I was an angel?

Bendy: Yes

Elliott: I took ballet classes

Bendy: Why are you telling me this?

Elliott: Because no one

Will ever believe you =)

Bendy: You sick son of a bitch–


Elliott: Mortal screams are my favorite of Earth's delights, I want to hear the mortal screams 👹forever👹

Felix: Ok that's kind of troubling, but your heart's in the right place!

Elliott: One day, I'll make you scream, Mr. Felix 🙂

*Teaching Boris about Battle stuff*

Mugs: *looking at his phone* Uhm, Cup? Can you handle things on your own for a little bit?

Cup: No problem, our student loves me *walked to Boris*

Boris: *Holding up an axe* ?

Cup: Let me tell you about all the ways you can turn people into sliced up barbecue–



Now- Time for something different–

Now- Time for something different–

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