Funny- and- not funny-

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Tamara: Tanya, if you were an actual dog, what breed would you be?

Tanya: *on her phone, not paying attention-* Breedable-


Kraang: Only because you are highly dangerous when emotional.

Tamara: Highly dangerous?! You zapped me in the head, HARD! I'm dizzy and I have serious short term memory loss!


And I have serious short term memory loss!-


Tanya: I'm growin' tomatoes, any tips?

Tyra: Choke on them.

Tanya: no salsa for you I guess-


Taylin, upset: *sighs* Another day, another–

Tanya: sLAY–


Taylin: You gotta learn more, you still punch like a little boy–

egaS: And you still block with your face.

Taylin: *taken back, but smiles* I remember when you wouldn't stand up to us... *Hugged him* I missed ya little man..

egaS: !..


Tamara: Taylin! Guess who's here!

Taylin: My date!

Tamara: Your husband!

Taylin: I don't HAVE a husband, call the police.

Tyra: ... Your EX-husband?

Taylin: I'll call the police–


Tyra: Who... Are you??

Tamara: You but more unhinged and additional suppressed trauma~

Tanya: You but horny-

Taylin: You but a single mom of three that never sits still in the same spot ^^''


Tanya: I wish I had multiple limbs... I can get more money in a single night for just blowjo–

Tamara: Don't. You. Dare. Finish. That. Sentence.


Tanya: Oh to be as tiny but buff woman-

Tamara: What the hell are you talking about?-

Tanya: I saw one of Tyra's battles from that Nexus place or something- Her opponent was massive–

Tyra: TINY?!?!–


Tyra: Fuck the police.

Tanya: Suck anime tiddies–


Tamara: I ate some of those gummy bears you had

Taylin: Yeah, those are gonna kick in soon.

Tamara: W- What's gonna kick in soon? Taylin?-

Taylin: *walks away*

Tamara: tAYLIN?!–


Taylin: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.

Tanya: You and me!!

Taylin, tearing up: o-okay-


Tyra: *annoyed sighs* God give me patience..

Tanya: I think you mean "God give me strength"

Tyra: If God gave me more strength, you'd be paying him a permanent visit right now.


Taylin: I said no.

Tamara, Tanya and Tyra: You're not our mom.

Taylin: I'm not?!?!–


Tanya: I swing both ways~ with a machete. Come get some, motherfuckers.


Tyra: By the end of the day, I could hear my inner voice too.

Taylin: What is it saying?

Tyra: I dunno. I don't speak aggressive french.


Tyra: Go to hell.

Tamara: *tearing up* I wish I could–


Taylin: Maybe you should calm down–

Tanya: I AM CALM!–

Tamara: You should chill out like dude-

Tanya: How can I chill when I'm this hot??-

Tyra: I dunno, let's see how long you'll last in a butcher's freezer.


Tyra: You're pretty dumb.

Tanya: Wow, Thanks!!

Tyra: Why are you thanking me? I literally just insulted you-

Tanya: All I heard was, "You're pretty"


Taylin: My life is constantly just an inner monologue of "why did I do that?"


Tyra: People SAY they appreciate honesty. Until I'm honest with them. Then, suddenly, I'm an asshole.

Reluctant Random Book 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora