
3 0 0

Fright: Act of service, mental hospital :]


Dust: ... Soooo, are you an energy drink queer or an ice coffee queer?

Deana: I'm an alcoholic.

Dust: ...

Deana: ...

Deana: Also are you single


Gold: Who are you?

Bby! Theo: I am the knight >:D

Gold: Who am I?

Bby! Theo: You are the queen!

Gold: Who is uncle Dream?

Bby! Theo: Uncle Dream is the banana :DD

[They were getting ready for bed-]

Theo: Come on, hon. Could you move over a bit? I'm pressed up against the wall!

Birch: :[ [Moves]

Theo: Thank you, hon [sighs] wait, wh—

Birch, who is now laying on the floor: :,[

Theo: Pft- aw lovey-


(Look at this! From helluva boss lmao-)


Leah: That was gibberish! Tammy, hURRY THE FUCK UP!—


Killer: I don't know how long I can do thiiisss🎶🎶🎶

Dust: I'm gonna need another 60 seconds.

Killer: Oh FUCK.


Paint: If y'all Venmo me a hundred gold, I'll draw Killer sans pregnant.

Killer: WHAT.

Paint: Venmo me two! Hundreds gold, and I'll draw Killer, and Dust pregna—


Ink: Ouf!

Karma: Hey, watch where you're going man.

Ink: ... ! Well, well, well, what are you shopping for?

Karma: A personality.

Ink: Oh hey me too—


Horror: Watch your tone. I'm... sensitive. And will cry—


Parasite: It's 3am. Why don't you just go back to sleep?

Sunny: I have no concept of time. I woke up. Can we dance?-


Void: Nova, did you see the- wow! That's amazing!

Axel: [Doing a headstand]

Void: How did you get Axel to do that?

Nova: I glued his hands and head to the floor—


Jasper: Blake! Pass!

Blake: [Gets hit in the face with a basketball—]

Jasper: Pft- Sorry, my hand slipped-


Blake: Jasper! Pass!

Blake: [drops the basketball and sucker punches him—]

Jasper: aCK—

Blake: Sorry! My hand slipped ^—^


Error: Wow. Thats nice and bright, what kind of candles are those?

Ace, holding a dynamite: Dee-na-meet-tay! Huh, must be italian—



Fresh: I do love you, by the way...

Axel: !

Fresh: I mean as- as much as I'm capable of loving anyone...

Fresh: Which is never enough...

Axel: ...

Fresh: I'm sorry.


Ink: My head hurts...

Paint: It's your brain, trying to comprehend it's own stupidity >:3


Deana: KILL—

Fright: Don't. That is too far, Deana.

Deana: fine.

Karma: Hah-

Deana: Go surprise Satan, go down there without him knowing.


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