How good are they with Babies? Pt. 1

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Yeah I'm doing this type of thing again- enjoy ig-



- She has 4 younger siblings, of course she knows how to handle baby-

- She's the chillest babysitter you'll ever get

- The thought of having a kid of her own doesn't cross her mind often, but wouldn't mind having one

- Is concerned with how low the others ratings are—



- Now Blaire may be the chillest, but Yesenia is one of the energetic ones.

- Games, yummy treats, you name it-

- She's always wanted a kid of her own

- She's done her fair share of babysitting before, still does.

- Will scold the others on how they take care of a baby—



- She knows the general idea of what to NOT do with a baby-

- And what you should do with a baby-

- She can be fun, sometimes-

- Never thought of having a kid of her own, thinks she's too much of a brute for one

- Has never done any sort of babysitting gig

- Baby cries makes her panic and a liiiitttlle bit irritated



- "Oh shit a baby"

- She used to like the thought of having a baby, but now it just terrifies her—

- She won't get that much sleep with a baby???? SHE ALREADY DOESN'T HAVE THAT MUCH SLEEP WITHOUT ONE—

- And the fact that there might be a chance for the child to have the same hell sight she has.

- She wouldn't want a child to witness that.

- She knows the basics of taking care of one, but uh, ain't really that fun-

- Or safe- Miss gurl keeps so many guns- everywhere—

- She won't know what to do with a baby crying so she'll just- hand them over to someone else-



- She's great with kids-

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