"I'D give life another go."

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This is a rewrite of the oneshot where Black finds Deana! As a little thing since Black, once again has died— did a lil AU reset.

This is of course, all in Black's POV! Cus' pain!-

Attempting Suicide?-
Mentions of past attempts

Black's POV:

Throughout the years of living and roaming around this cruel world, I've seen many souls. Glowing brightly with determination to a soft dim of weakness. But... I've never seen such a dull soul. So quiet, so tragically quiet..

She sat at the edge of this building's roof, empty pill bottles slightly rolling to the side from the passing wind. I.. didn't expect to find myself in this situation... I was only curious about the strong magic trail that eventually led me to her.

"... What do you want."

"Nothing, really.."

I walked over to her, sitting down a few inches away from her. She didn't turn to look at me, no, she kept staring down, where the harsh, cold pavement was at.

"If you're lookin' for a spot to off yourself, go somewhere else. This place is already taken."

"Oh no, I'm not here to do that. I came here because..."

Excuses, excuses... What type of excuse will work... Ugh, maybe this one will do.

"To celebrate Christmas. It's a nice, cold night today, no?"

She didn't respond to that. She kept staring down as the cars drove by, and the town folk enjoyed their evenings. Normally, I wouldn't care. I've seen this situation so many times before, what's so different about her..

"... You know, it gets pretty lonely celebrating Christmas on your own.. Maybe you'd like to celebrate with me?"

She let out a sigh, the cold making it visible. She lifted her head and turned to me, her grey eyes staring at me. She looked so tired.

"Don't pretend like ya care. You're here for something else. Right?"

She glared at me, seemingly angry at me. Yet her soul seems to stay dead silent.

"I know they charge a pretty hefty price for my head. That what ya want? Put me into a jail cell?"

She pulled out a wanted poster from her jacket pocket, it's stained with blood but still readable. They really were charging a lot for her...

"Just fucking leave me alone. I don't have the energy to take your life."

"Yet you're ready to throw away yours."

She flinched a bit at that, her glare almost breaking. She shook her head, letting go of the poster, the wind taking it to wherever.

"Why wouldn't I be? I deserve it. I killed so many, I failed at keeping the simplest of promises, I failed at keeping anything or anyone close to me."

She pulled her hood up, her hands shaking as she gripped onto it. Her breathing is quickening as she ducked her head.

"I'm soooo great at ending things. Ending people. Yet the only thing I can't end is ME..."

I was going to ask what she meant by that... Until I saw the teardrops.. dripping down onto her lap as she hiccupped.

"H-How pathetic is that... It's a-as pathetic as ranting to some lady wanting some bounty money..."

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